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Settling in... or not

Posted on Sat 22nd Mar, 2014 @ 6:32am by Colonel Marcus DeSalle

431 words; about a 2 minute read

Base Commander's personal log, Present Day.

I have assumed the duties and responsibilities of my new assignment with little trouble. I was warmly welcomed by the station personnel, and civilian business leaders, and I must say, it's the warmest welcome I've gotten in quite a while. As soon as I moved in to my quarters, I immediately began interviewing the department heads and getting to know them. THey each have their own interesting personality quirks, and I am eager to see them all working together.

End log.


Base Commander's Log: Supplemental.

My wish to see them all working together was granted sooner than I expected. Seemingly out of nowhere, a Federation-Class Dreadnought appeared on our sensors, making a bee-line for the station. She answered no hails, even using hello and friendship messages in linguacode and old-style Federation communication protocols. She has stopped, and is station-keeping a few kilometers off the station. IFF codes have identified her as the USS Anubis, and MAG flybys have provided visual confirmation. She looks like she flew out of a museum. She's in mint condition, all systems running normally, as far as sensors can tell, but no life signs aboard, and no comms. She has made no hostile moves, but refuses to answer our hails. This is most troubling.

The Federation-class vessels were a type of dreadnought-type starships used by the Federation and Starfleet which operated during the latter half of the 23rd century.
Based on the standard Starfleet design tree and hull components of the time, the Federation-class starships were bulkier sisters of the Constitution-class heavy cruisers. The dreadnoughts employed a different arrangement from Constitution-class, including a forward-facing shuttle bay, a four dish sensor/navigational deflector / tractor beam dish arrangement (including a single aft sensor dish) and most prominently, a third nacelle, all design elements largely abandoned in future starship development.

We know she was reported missing in 2213, but hasn't been sighted until now. Her cargo and crew manifest was classified, and I'm trying to get hold of Starfleet Command to get the classification lifted so I can find out more about what she was carrying, and whom. Why is she here? Where is her crew? Why does she look like she hasn't aged a day since her disappearance? Why is the hair on the back of my neck standing up, and why do I have such a bad feeling about this?

I have called a senior staff meeting, and will gather what information I can from my department heads, and decide what to do next.

DeSalle Out.

Colonel Marcus DeSalle
Star Base Protector


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