View Award - Rivalry Ribbon

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Rivalry Ribbon

Awarded to an individual who develops a convincing and heated rivalry with another character or NPC.

Category: In character
Awarded: 4 times

Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
Fri 16th Dec, 2022 @ 1:44am
I'm nominating Makila, Kellian, and Arik for this award. The posts covering the situation with Muffet Langston were difficult to write with understanding, and there was definitely rivalry involved.
Makila i'Hartelhai
Fri 16th Dec, 2022 @ 1:44am
I'm nominating Makila, Kellian, and Arik for this award. The posts covering the situation with Muffet Langston were difficult to write with understanding, and there was definitely rivalry involved.
Arik Telsamvi
Fri 16th Dec, 2022 @ 1:44am
I'm nominating Makila, Kellian, and Arik for this award. The posts covering the situation with Muffet Langston were difficult to write with understanding, and there was definitely rivalry involved.
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Thu 4th Oct, 2012 @ 6:56pm
A serious bit of feather ruffling here with regards to Nyx's collar and Karrikar's 'best intentions'!