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Time to Celebrate!

Posted on Mon 5th Aug, 2019 @ 9:17pm by

What are we celebrating, you might ask. I'm glad you asked. We now have one dozen players on SB109! Charlene has joined us with Chief Diplomatic Officer Lt. Cmdr. Kiara Varonika Lena!
Welcome aboard, Charlene! It isn't often a writer comes on board and finds an entire department waiting to play games, all sorts!

Since Charlene is new here, why don't you shoot her a JP start to get her going? Especially if you are in the diplomatic department!

3rd string in the command team


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Comments (1)

by Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov on Mon 5th Aug, 2019 @ 10:10pm

*Random guy in a windowless van*

"Hi new one... want to... write a log?"

-Artyom the not so creepy Russian guy who actually isn't Russian. And whose name is Rob. From Ohio. Soo.... not Russian.