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The Lighthouse Incident Subplot

Posted on Mon 5th Aug, 2019 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov

Hello, All -

I am looking to explore Artyom's backstory from back before he enlisted into Starfleet and was still local to his homeworld. I have a full mission write-up and more details can be found in his bio. I am hoping to grab anybody who might be interested in churning out what will probably be (5) mission logs going from just before the crap hits the fan, to when crap hits the fan, to when those involved are amazed they didn't get showered in said crap. ^_^ Except for Artyom, because I'm mean to my characters.

Anyways, while I have a detailed per-log outline put together, I'd prefer to give everybody free reign for how they right the characters outlined below. I'll admit that Major Jamila isn't going to be seen or heard directly, but will be referred to. The bulk of the storytelling will be with Lieutenant Ludvik and those of her squad. So if you are interested and want to be more involved, I would suggest coming up with original character ideas for the remnant-loyalist Defense Forces. Similarly, Sergeant Doron will be in one post, although members of the Crimson Flag protesters -- (think Antifa but considerably more violent and somewhat well equipped), can appear at any time, particularly if anybody wants to write an opposing side of this story.


"The Lighthouse Incident" covers approximately five logs and a part of Artyom's past as his homeworld of Saga-Prodigy has recently seceded from the United Federation of Planets out of anger due to over-mining of their star system. The political transition turns violent as angry protesters seek out any Federation citizen trying to evacuate to starships waiting in orbit, with revolutionary elements of the former Saga-Prodigy Defense Forces further antagonizing the situation.

Characters needed:


Shari Ludvik - A 2nd Lieutenant within the Saga-Prodigy Self Defense Forces
Captain Tordis Hedvig - Starfleet Captain of the USS Artemis
(Between 2-4 SSDF Soldiers in Squad)
TBD - USS Artemis First Officer
TBD - USS Artemis Shuttle Pilot
(More to be determined)

Note: With Saga-Prodigy's planetary government having collapsed, very few have chosen to stay to assist with the evacuation or peacekeeping efforts. Anybody participating in the protagonist category who is not a member of Starfleet is basically someone who is watching their world fall apart but still wants to do the right thing. That being said, these will not be people who've worked together for years. One might be former security or infantry, one might be a mechanic... heck, we could even end up with an administrative assistance somewhere in all of this.

Iulianus Doron - A Sergeant in the Saga-Prodigy Self Defense Forces looking to escape the Space Elevator
Massimiliano Jamila - A Major in the Saga-Prodigy Self Defense Forces in control of air defenses throughout the Colony.
(Crimson Flag Protesters) - Group of people leading the most violent acts of destruction.
(Miscellaneous Characters to be created as needed)


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Comments (1)

by on Mon 5th Aug, 2019 @ 9:10pm

This is very exciting stuff, so those who've been wanting more action might take a close look! I'll definitely be in the crowd somewhere. I encourage everyone to join in. The more the merrier, and the newbies are certainly welcome to join.

Please let Rob know who you'd like to play, he will tell me, and I'll put up an NPC link for your character.