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Promotion Time!

Posted on Fri 9th Aug, 2019 @ 4:05pm by
Edited on Fri 9th Aug, 2019 @ 4:05pm

Attention All Crew. It is time to announce two promotions!

First, Lieutenant Andrew Eberstark has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. LCDR. Eberstark has been our Tactical Operations Chief for 2-1/2 years, and has often coordinated activities with Security and Intelligence to serve the needs of Starbase 109.

Second, Lieutenant Baro has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. LCRR. Baro has been Chief of Operations on SB109 for about 2 years and has led the engineering crew with creativity and patience.

Congratulations to our two new Lieutenant Commanders. We wish them long and happy Starfleet careers!

Susan (aka Jade Lantz)
for the Command Team


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