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Klingon Opera: Zero

Posted on Wed 20th Jun, 2018 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 14, 1115

Wellington felt a bit odd strolling around the promenade in civilian clothing--it seemed that she was almost always in uniform, especially lately with her department being on high alert. Yet, she treasured these few hours that she had away from the department. She came by the Bits n' Bytes store and decided that she would at least browse the holo-programs section. Perhaps she would find a good holo-novel.

th'Elex looked up from the Holomaster he was assembling, as the door chimed. "Good day. Is there anything special I can help you find?" She looked like a woman who would normally be in control of something, so she was probably Star Fleet. The casual clothing, though ... hard to tell what she would like.

"I'm not entirely sure," Wellington admitted. "I thought I might browse some of your holo programs. Are there any that you'd recommend?" she asked, approaching th"Elex.

"Depends on what you like," Tieran responded. "I have everything from Vulcan Love Slave to The Maltese Falcon to Goodbye, Tavor Kell. Might be easier if I knew more about what you like. Now, if you're interested in something to experience in a holopod, I have Vic's Las Vegas Lounge and Captain Sisko's baseball scenario, but one of my favorites is Pink Skin Blues."

"Pink Skin Blues?" Wellington repeated, coming to a stop near th'Elex. "What's that about?"

If Tieran had been human, he might have blushed. No one had ever asked him that question. "It's a love story between one of the first humans and first Andorians to meet. It doesn't work out, hence the title, sort of a play on human terminology of the time - you know, having the blues?"

"Ah," Wellington said, understanding now. She would never admit to being intrigued by romance holo programs, placing her focus on her work as such programs would likely cause her to realize just how alone she really felt. "Not really my thing...anything in fantasy, or maybe historical?"

"Fantasy ... yes, there's something called Wish Upon a Star. I haven't watched it personally, but it's a frequent seller. Or I have Podkayne of Mars. Now that's a genuine antique story line, going back in your human history to a writer in ... I think somewhere around the year 2000. I'm a little fuzzy on the exact time, but it was what they called science fiction then." He eyed her a moment, and suggested another he had watched. Enjoyed might not be the right word for it, but it was historical, and she looked like the type who might like a good war movie.

"Did you ever hear of World War II? I have a couple of movies that are popular about that time period. Band of Brothers was a book written near the time of the events, and someone had the idea it would make a popular holo movie. Can't say they're wrong about that. The other one is actually the original moving picture, but I guess every technology upgrade converted it, so the holo movie is the same exact cast as the original made sometime in the 21sth century, I believe. Of course, I have offerings from other species as well, but generally customers like to stay within their own species."

"Nothing war related. I've dealt with enough of that for a lifetime," she commented, feeling foolish for causing the man so much trouble. "Westerns!" she blurted. It was both peaceful with solitude and offered adventure. She then began to recount popular novels she had to read as a child for school. 'There was Little House on the Pond? No..that's not right... Then there was Lonesome Duck? Dog? Crap, it's been a long time,' she thought.

"Ah, westerns." Tieran came out from behind the counter and headed for a corner of the shop, away from the door. "Nothing like a good western. We have a whole stack of 'em with someone named John Wayne as the main character. Again, re-mastered to holograms, so definitely authentic history." He pointed along one shelf. "I like this one myself, something called The Shootist. I think I read in the catalog it was his last movie." He handed her that one to look at.

"Now here," he indicated a point further along the shelf, "you might like these. The Man From Snowy River is really - no, you said no romance." He slid it back on the shelf. His finger traveled down past some more holo cubes and stopped. "Hmmm, this one," he handed her Quigley Down Under, "now that guy," he tapped the picture of someone labelled Tom Selleck on the top cover, "he used to be a race car driver, and then a detective of some kind, according to what I read, before becoming what they called 'a cowboy'." Tieran shook his head. "I guess you could be anyone in those wild free days."

"Hmmm," she mused at the title--it sounded interesting. "Alright, I'll give it a try."

"Excellent," Tieran said. "Is there anything else I could supply? We have a nice selection of music, even Klingon Opera, if that's your thing." He could never tell who would, or wouldn't, like Klingon Opera.

"No thank you," Wellington replied with a smile. "I should get back to duty soon anyways."

th'Elex handed her purchase over, nodding. "You're better off with this Quigley person, I expect. Don't work too hard now, Ma'am."


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Comments (3)

By on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 @ 12:51pm

No one suggested The Outlaw Josey Wales?!

(Full disclosure: my father is in it).

By on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 @ 1:59pm

How remiss of me! I'm sure it will come up in a future post. =)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 @ 11:32pm

LOL! Yeah, Lanis is most displeased that no Clint Eastwood movies were mentioned! :D

Or, hey! Sergeant Rutledge. Or The Alamo. :)