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Perry Dinner

Posted on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 @ 12:59pm by

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Captains Quarters

Isabella approached the door to the Captain's quarters with a bottle of plum wine. She was glad she'd cheated and called her brother for advise. Of course he was more than happy to tell her the various wine bottles he had seen over the years in the Suzuki quarters during their time on Samurai.

A little nervous, Isabella pressed the door chime and waited for it to swoosh open. She wasn't quite sure why she was nervous. She had been at plenty of state dinners with Admiral Alynna Nechayev while she was in Advanced Tactical Training.

The door opened, and a smiling blonde woman with ocean blue eyes stood in the opening with a young girl on her hip. "Hello! Isabella? I saw you at the wedding, but didn't get a chance to meet you, with all the drama. I'm Sarah, the Captain's wife."

The little girl waved, and added "I'm Athena! I have two moms!"

"Well aren't you a lucky tiger." Isabella responded with a big grin on her face. Athena was a beautiful little girl who looked genuinely happy. "Athena, how are you liking your new home?"

"I'm not a tiger," Athena protested. "I'm an ape!"

"Yes, you are," Sarah said with a laugh. "Isabelle, won't you come in? Hikari's in the kitchen. Would you like something to drink while she finishes?"

"Water please." She responded as she entered the Captains quarters.

"Sure." Sarah set Athena down and turned toward the kitchen. "Don't stand on ceremony, or the floor, either."

"Mama means sit down," Athena stage-whispered to the security officer.

Isabella chuckled at Athena as she found an available seat near by. Perry took in the quarters and was amazed by it's beauty, the history it contained, and the warmth it generated. Right as Isabella sat down, She noticed a beautiful katana, along with its matching wakizashi on a stand on a shelf. Before Isabella knew it, she had gotten up to admire the beautiful design of the scabbard. As she got to the rear of the swords hilt, she noticed something that took her breath away. She inched her nose closer and was amazed at what she saw.

"Is this a .....?" Isabella looked back to look at Sarah but found Suzuki standing there.

"No," Hikari said with a smile. "It's a reproduction. And it's actually Sarah's. Her family runs a Kendo dojo in California." She set a bowl of salad on the table as Sarah came back, carefully balancing a serving tray with empty wine goblets and a full pitcher of ice water.

Isabella continued looking at the sword, amazed at the reproduction. "It looks like a genuine Masamune," Isabella stated as she made her way over to the table. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked as she gazed upon the wonderful spread on the table.

"You could sit," Suzuki suggested gently.

"Yeah, sit! We don't eat standin' up!" Athena agreed from her seat, higher than the others at the table.

"Be polite, little ape," Sarah admonished her daughter.

Isabella laughed aloud and pulled a chair out from one of the sides of the table and asked Suzuki. "If this seat is fine, I shall claim it then." Sat down and continued to be astounded by the warmth of her captains home. The security chief didn't quite know how to feel in this situation. She had never eaten dinner with her commanding officer in such a personal setting besides her time with Admiral Nechayev. Isabella had spent many hours in the home of the Admiral learning her craft, and attending various functions with the Admiral, observing and listening. Isabella even considered the Admiral as her mentor and her friend. Nechayev had even confided in Isabella with situations from her personal life and the inner workings of the Federation.

"May I ask you a question ma'am?" Isabella asked Suzuki.

"It's just 'Hikari' inside these walls," Suzuki answered. She handed Isabella the salad bowl. "And you may ask whatever you like, though we may choose not to answer."

"How did you and Sarah feel about your reassignment to Vangaurd?"

"Can of worms," Hikari said with a tight smile.

Sarah, finishing serving salad to herself and Athena, passed the bowl to Isabella. "This salad is made from the last of the hydroponics grown aboard Samurai."

"No dirt!" Athena announced. "Just grows!"

Isabella smiled at Athena and took the bowl in hand. She looked inside of the bowl and saw the lush salad and began putting it in her plate. "Did you all grow this yourselves aboard Samurai?" She asked wondering if the two had green thumbs.

"Not us, personally," Sarah answered. "The agg specialists, mostly."

"And me!" Athena said, proudly.

"And Athena's class helped with planting," Sarah admitted.

"Well no wonder it looks so wonderful Athena. I know you and your classmates planted them with love." Perry said as she finished loading her plate up.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 21st Jun, 2018 @ 1:41pm

What a wonderful meal post. I do like what Athena adds to the adult's conversation. I'm quite impressed with the discussion of the katana, too. How humanizing-of-the-captain these dinners are.