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What a Rare Day It Is

Posted on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 1:29pm by Eddie Hunt
Edited on on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 8:08pm

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Arboretum, Deck 641
Timeline: MD 5, 0930

Although Andorians didn't generally own pets, because the concept of owning something living hadn't occurred to them, and it was really too cold for most animals, Tieran was experimenting with the concept. He was the more or less proud owner of an Akita pup from Cosmic Creatures, a store on Deck 625. He still wasn't sure that he hadn't been taken by the owner. 5 strips of Latinum seemed excessive for something that ate and pooped and generally made a nuisance of itself. He was assured things would get better, but he had his doubts. At least the thing was on a leash.

"Sir," said a quiet voice at his elbow. "Curb your dog."

"What? I don't know what that means," he said, glancing toward the animal and seeing that, once again it had deposited something brown and undoubtedly squishy in the grass.

The park monitor sighed. "It means I hope you have a poop container in your pocket. Dogs are not allowed to go in the grass."

Rather than argue, Tieran nodded and pulled a plastic glove out of his pocket. He snapped it on, but his anger only stung his hand. He picked up the puppy's deposit and turned the glove inside out to keep it inside. "There," he said to the monitor. Happy?"

"Yes, Sir. The recycler is over there," he pointed to a box-like structure that, a long time past, might have been taken for a phone booth. Tieran walked over and dropped the glove into the receptical, then pulled the dog's leash to hurry it down the walkway.

"Curb your dog. What does that even mean?" he said plaintively. "I didn't know I'd have to learn an entire language to become a dog owner!"

Eddie had been walking around the Arboretum on deck 641 on his exploration of the base, bit by bit, when he heard the Andorian and the park monitor having a conversation. As Eddie walked past the Andorian after the park monitor left, he spoke to him. "This is why I prefer cats, they are not as needy as dogs. I've never seen the fondness of having to walk a dog either, or how people get so much enjoyment from it." He thought about what he said, before adding, "I'm not saying that you don't get enjoyment from it." He thought about how that sounded and decided that he might have dug himself in a small hole.

Tieran glanced at the pink skin, and made a face. "I'm not particularly enjoying it. I was told I'd bond with the little beast if I took it for walks. Also that it needed to walk because it was a dog breed used to working. I say, let it work then. I have plenty to do! If I'd known about cats, maybe I would have tried that instead." He was silent for a moment, looking at his dog who was looking up at him and seemed to be laughing. "What's a cat?" he asked.

"Ahhhh, not sure what the best way to explain a cat is. Imagine a smaller version of a dog that doesn't need to be walked. They tend to explore themselves. Don't get me wrong, they require small amounts of maintenance, but nowhere near the same amount as a dog. You know what, I might just have to get myself one to keep me company," Eddie pondered. "And if I do, I will have to show you it so you know what a cat is."

"I'm already wishing I'd tried that first. This thing is cute, but sometimes I feel like he's doing his best to ruin me. What business are you in, sir?" They'd begun moving, to keep up with the Akita, so Tieran made conversation. He'd learned it's what humans did.

"I find that to. I especially hate when they bark, growl, jump up, or just about anything really," Eddie laughed. "I've just bought the casino in Tivoli Gardens, what about yourself?"

"Technology," the Andorian replied. "Bits and Bytes in the Promenade, Deck 641, that's me." He kept his eye on the dog, sure it was going to cause more distress at any moment. "Wait, the old Casino Royale? That thing looked a mess last time I saw it." He shook his head. "Did you know what you were getting into?"

"Yeah that's the one. And I didn't know. I almost died when I saw the outside of it," Eddie chuckled. "But you know what, the inside was pristine. Not a hair out of place. What sort of technology do you do?"

"Oh, all kinds of things," he said, and then nodded to a bench under a lovely small tree. He pulled his dog along and sat on one end. "I repair most anything electronic or holographic, even gel pack powered. Here, I mostly deal in new tech and small item repairs, entertainment for the most part. In the past, I was involved in Andoria's military, and did larger items. But you don't want to hear old war stories, especially of my world." He bent down and scratched the dog's head. It sat quietly at his feet, and before long, it was sleeping, head on paws.

Eddie thought for a moment about his casino, "I'm always happy to hear stories, maybe preferably over a drink sometime?" he suggested, before moving on. "But for now, maybe you can help me install some tech in the casino. If so, lucky I spoke to you really."

"What are you planning?" Tieran asked, interested in a job that large. "Big screen holovision? A sound system? Surveillance network? I can do all of those. In addition, I could set up a hotel-wide entertainment system with say ten holofilms available on demand. Changing at whatever interval you like, of course. Is that the kind of thing you have in mind?"

"Pretty much all of that you've just said. I want some kind of overhead above each of the games so people can see what there is. Not sure whether to do signs yet or some kind of holosign."

"Holo is cheaper," Tieran advised. "Why don't I come by, at your convenience, and take a look at the place. I haven't been in it since it first opened, and I never investigated the hotel side at all. I'd be happy to look it over and give you a quote."

"That sounds good with me," Eddie replied.

The pup suddenly stood up and began barking at another dog coming down the walk. "I guess that means quiet time is over," sighed Tieran. "I'll get him home, I think. I've had enough walking for today. Contact me at Bits and Bytes when you're ready to have me stop by."

th'Elex pulled on the leash, trying to lead the little dog in a different direction.


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