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A Talk Over Irn-Bru

Posted on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 1:24pm by Eddie Hunt

1,153 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Outside the Casino
Timeline: MD4 - 1000 Hours

Eddie sat cross legged on the grass about 50 metres away from the casino which had now been fenced off, ready for builders to come in and change the outside around and re brand it how Eddie wanted. He decided that the inside didn't need changing as it was perfect how it was, his imagination showing hundreds of people in the venue and the atmosphere booming. He still hadn't come up with a name for the place, but the builders said they would have the place done within two weeks, therefore he needed to tell them what to call it within a week. They then told him if he didn't think of something by then, they would just stick the old name up. He knew that he definitely didn't want that!

He sipped from a can of Irn-Bru before placing it down next to him. He tried imagining the finished building, and tried to imagine the outside. The gardens on the deck stopped just before the casino, but he thought it would be nice if there were gardens running around the building, instead of a path and grass. He made a mental note in his head to find out if there was a Head Gardener and if they would be able to do anything.

He observed the builders arrive and start setting up what they had to do. He had no knowledge in architecture or building work or whatever the correct term was, he just had to leave it for them and hope they could produce the work that he wanted. Half hour passed before the builders actually started smashing the rest of the mirrored glass around the casino walls. Eddie smiled, before noticing a petite blond haired woman walking towards him.

Leah Jamison smiled as she approached the man. "So I take it you're Eddie Hunt, the new Casino Manager?" she guessed from the man's stature. She had heard of a new Casino Owner aboard the station and she intended to greet the new owner.

"Hello, you are correct," He replied. The woman in front of him seemed familiar, as if he had seen her picture in a magazine or something, he just couldn't remember where though. "And you are?"

"I don't know whether to be insulted or not," she stated with a grin. "I'm Leah Jamison. Disney Inc. CEO of this station and surrounding sector."

"If you're happy to sit on the grass, then by all means take a seat, I have plenty of Irn-Bru to go round. If not, we can always move on to grab a drink or something?" Eddie suggested.

"Irn-Bru sounds good," she replied as she carefully sat down onto the grass. "So what brought you to Starbase Vanguard to run a casino?"

"Nice to see someone that drinks it, it's an acquired taste around here, and please don't be insulted, I'm new round here," Eddie said, passing her a can of the drink. "And why I'm here to run a casino is just to pass the time. I got some inheritance money that I decided to invest into it, hopefully make some profit. My brother used to work on this starbase and always told me to visit it as well."

'Jamison, Leah Jamison,' Eddie tried racking his brains. He knew her name because she was the Disney CEO, but that wasn't it. 'Jamison. Had Zach mentioned a Leah to me before?' He couldn't be sure.

"A risky investment. Especially on a starbase but I applaud your initiative," Leah smiled.

"Ahhh anything is risky isn't it? But hey, it's money I didn't have before, so I guess if I lose it, I didn't have it before. I don't intend to lose it though," He took a sip of his drink before continuing. "How long have you been on this base?"

"Just after it was recommissioned," Leah said. "It's been pretty eventful here...and profitable," she grinned.

"I like both of those words," He smiled, "A lot." He cast his eyes to the woman next to him. She had an air of confidence surrounding her and an inner beauty. He was still sure Zach had mentioned her to him. "Did you ever meet my brother Zachary Hunt? He was XO here for a while and I'm sure he mentioned you to me. I could be wrong though."

Leah looked at the man for a moment. This guy was related to Zach? "Zach? You mean you're his brother?" she was surprised to say the least. "We dated until I was kidnapped. When I returned, he had left the station and accepted another assignment. Typical Starfleet."

'Christ!' He thought. "Ohhhh, that was it! Wait," He paused. "You got kidnapped?"

"By the Orion Syndicate," Leah confirmed. "But I managed to escape with help from the other prisoners and came back here."

"Oh wow, that's crazy! Well I'm glad you're all good now though. What happened to the syndicate?"

Leah was silent as her features seemed to darken before she spoke. "We killed the crew of the ship and took the ship and it now belongs to Disney Inc. where it is being refitted into a transport."

"Maybe I shouldn't have asked, Sorry. I'm glad to hear you're alright though. How has it been since you've got back?" He asked.

"A bit different--hard to really trust people after it was my former bodyguard that orchestrated my kidnapping. Varr'dak is my new bodyguard and one I know I can trust completely," she indicated to a well built Capellan standing not too far away.

"How long had he been your bodyguard for?" Eddie questioned.

"Ever since I escaped my kidnapping. He was a prisoner as well and helped me escape," she replied with a grin.

"Ahhh that explains how you know you can trust him. Well once again I'm glad you're okay, I won't pester you anymore about it," Eddie half laughed as he drank some more of his drink. "How does Disney do on the base?"

"Thank you," Leah replied. "As for how we're doing, we're doing well. It helps to be on a large station and the occasional ship that docks," she grinned. "And being on the edge, Disney often gets the first opportunity to work with any new species that we may encounter. You have nothing to worry about--I'm certain a casino will do very well here."

"I have no concerns yet, maybe that will change after it opens," He gave Leah a wink in her direction. "I best be getting along to see what those builders are actually doing though," He got up from the ground and put his hands out to help Leah.

"I will extend the invite of the Grand Opening to you as well Miss Jamison, I will look forward to working on the same base as you," He smiled towards her.

"As do I, Mr. Hunt," Jamison grinned.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 8:14pm

And a great introduction to each other that was! Picked up a few tidbits about both of you.