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Time For Change

Posted on Sun 3rd Jun, 2018 @ 5:16pm by Eddie Hunt

641 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Unknown

"Your mother is dead..." The generic looking human male broke the news to the young communications officer on the USS Pluto.

Eddie Hunt wasn't sure how to react to the news. Thoughts whirled around his head before he realised he was staring at the man blankly, "Sorry, thanks for telling me."

The man nodded offering his condolences, before leaving Eddie to his thoughts.

Eddie's head span and the scene faded. He was now sitting in the bridge of the USS Iago. A man approached him, a different man to previous. He didn't look as if he was Starfleet, but he did look familiar. Besides, this was a memory, well, more like a dream, it could be anyone. "Ed, Ed, Ed," The man said, in a monotone voice, again and again. Eddie couldn't move, stuck to his seat, before the man was close enough that they were touching noses, before he stopped speaking. Ed recognised him as the pair locked eyes, both now staring into each other's souls.

"What do you want brother?"

"I'm dead. Ed. Dead."

The room span again, the man faded away and was replaced by a woman, still aboard the same ship as before. Eddie looked at the woman in front of him, this time she was in Starfleet uniform, but someone he didn't recognise. She stood in front of him, but unlike his brother, didn't move forward towards him. Instead, she looked sad and sympathetic. "I'm sorry Eddie, it's your Father. He heard the news about your brother...." She stuttered over her words. "And he took his own life." She breathed out.

Eddie's eyes were blank from the news. His family all gone. He was alone.

Eddie woke suddenly into the midnight darkness, the smell of his sweat filled the room. It was a weird dream, but one that resonated the truth. His family had all died, and he was alone. Some people would fall into despair and depression, but not Eddie. Eddie swept it all under his carpet, pretended it wasn't there, and got ready for the next day. And then the next. And the next. Until he was ready to face it.

He had made some good friends over the years, but no one that he felt close enough to talk about how he felt. Even with the inheritance he had gained, it was still not enough to make him feel happy. Even with his Starfleet career going in the right places, he still wasn't fully happy. He had managed to get a sabbatical for the time being, considering the circumstances around his families deaths, Starfleet felt it was right for him.

If anything, it made things tougher for Eddie, he wasn't sure what to do with himself.

That was the case before an opportunity arose. One that he found by being in the right place and at the right time. Starbase 109: Vanguard, the starbase which Zachary used to be XO of. He had always spoken of what a wonderful starbase it was, what wonderful people he had met and that Eddie should visit. He had never got round to it, and it was time to make amends.

A proposition came up. A casino in Tivoli Gardens aboard the base. It came with it's own accommodation so it was even more of a bonus. He had nothing else to spend the inheritance on, and plus, if managed right the casino could make a tidy profit. And it will pass enough time for him to think about what he wants to do with his career. He enjoyed being the Chief Communications Officer, but was that really what he wanted? He would use the time to reevaluate his life and do something in both his brother's memory and his parents. Perhaps this was his new start, in a new place that he'd never been before.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 5th Jun, 2018 @ 1:59am

Chief Communications, when you can be a casino owner? Who would pick that? LOL Great beginning to jump into the story and find out who you are.