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Amok, Amok, Amok Part 2.

Posted on Fri 11th May, 2018 @ 1:38am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Jacen Miller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro
Edited on on Fri 11th May, 2018 @ 3:58am

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: flight deck
Timeline: MD9 0500hrs
Tags: Eberstark

Baro was seeing to the loading of the last pieces of equipment as her engineers ensured they had everything they required. Even if all they got was more detailed scans it'd be worth it, but she really rather hoped they could get an enemy flight recorder or something. With the time that passed however, it was hard to say what would be there still.

Beck ducked under the entrance and moved to the front of Arrow 17, wondering how it would differ from number 5, her usual ride. She smiled at the Chief of Operations, but continued up to her seat to perform her pre-flight check. This was one flight she definitely didn't want to go Klingon. She really wasn't all that into dying as an honorable warrior.

Adjusting her seat until it felt like home, Rebecca began running down the checklist. "Control, this is Arrow 17, pre-flight check in. How do you read?"

=^=Five-by-five, Seventeen. You are go to power up and begin pre-flight. Notify when you are ready for launch.=^=

One down, many to go, the pilot thought, beginning the local checks.

Jacen heard the hum of engines spinning up through their pre-flight warm up as he entered the flight deck. He shifted his duty uniform into a more comfortable position. It was a rather special uniform he had modified himself. In it he could conceal any number of surprises for a unsuspecting opponent. As he looked up saw Lieutenant Baro loading some things onto an Arrow and made his way over to her. "Good morning, Lieutenant. Anything I can give you a hand with?"

She smiled, "Just one more piece of equipment. We're not sure what we'll find so I tried to get a small supply of field analysis equipment. If you'll just get the other end we'll get this in and can get going once the tactical officer arrives...." she said gesturing to a long, somewhat heavy box. "I was going to get a carrier but, really, it's just as easy this way...."

"Hope for the best, but plan for the worst, eh Lieutenant?" Jacen said said with a half grin. He grabbed on to the end of the box she had indicated and waited for Baro to take up the weight on her side.

Keeping quiet but making sure he was seen, Andrew made his way aboard and placed his minimal equipment in one of the unoccupied spaces left. He was glad there was an extra spot and that he was even able to get permission to come along. Naturally, his current position made his inclusion on this mission sensible, but he'd be lying if he told himself asking to come along wasn't based on emotion. He wanted to see for himself what was left of Samurai. Nodding to others, he pulled out a PADD containing as much pertinent information regarding the attack as it could hold and began rereading the data. He was determined not to overlook any debris and find something of value.

As she finished the pre-flight check list, Beck realized she missed Nordstrom. Helena had been her wingman for the last two years she was a fighter pilot, and she'd been with her since she left Starfighter Command. In more than three years, Rebecca had come to rely on Nordstrom's ability to read her mind ... or think so much the same, that it seemed that way. She stretched, set the engines to what she called 'parked purring' and went back to see how the passengers were getting things done.

"Lieutenant Baro," Beck greeted the Operations commander, "how are things going out here? Do you have an estimated time when you'll be ready for departure? We're clear with Control, and on standby."

"We're ready now thank you, Captain," Baro said glancing at her engineer who gave a thumbs up over where he was securing the last of the equipment they'd brought in.

"Alright, secure yourselves, and we'll head out. After we're at warp, I'll let you know and you can move around the cabin. Replicators, tables, heads and bunks are through that door," Beck pointed. "I'll check with our fighter escort to be sure they're good to go."

To be Continued ....


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