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Anxiety Dreams

Posted on Thu 19th Apr, 2018 @ 7:44pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

757 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Sickbay?

Jasmine heard the baby cry and smiled as she lay back against Adam and closed her eyes. She was exhausted but she wanted to know that her baby was alive and healthy. She knew that Doctor Addams would do a quick check over of the baby before introducing her to the child....her baby.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" She asked worried that Chlamydia hadn't turned to face her yet.

"Oh, yes," Chlamydia said, turning around, a bundle wrapped in bunting in her arms. The baby seemed healthy and normal, but for the pencil-thin moustache and narrow spiked beard. "Congratulations! It's a Guy!"

Jasmine heard the baby cry and smiled as she lay back against Adam and closed her eyes. She was exhausted but she wanted to know that her baby was alive and healthy. She knew that Doctor Addams would do a quick check over of the baby before introducing her to the child....her baby.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" She asked worried that Chlamydia hadn't turned to face her yet.

The Doctor turned, holding a bundle wrapped in decaying rags. Within the depths of her black, black eyes, green eldritch fire flowed, spelling out sanity-searing obscenities in a language long forgotten by mortals. The child in her arms had scaly skin, webbed fingers, and large, protruding eyes. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Jasmine heard the baby cry and smiled as she lay back against Adam and closed her eyes. She was exhausted but she wanted to know that her baby was alive and healthy. She knew that Doctor Addams would do a quick check over of the baby before introducing her to the child....her baby.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" She asked worried that Chlamydia hadn't turned to face her yet.

"Hmm?" Addams said, turning. "Oh... yes." She held a bundle of bunting in her arms; a face peered out of the bundle. It had a squirming mass of tentacles around its mouth, each little limb reaching out hungrily. "Congratulations! It's a squidlips!"

Jasmine heard the baby cry and smiled as she lay back against Adam and closed her eyes. She was exhausted but she wanted to know that her baby was alive and healthy. She knew that Doctor Addams would do a quick check over of the baby before introducing her to the child....her baby.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" She asked worried that Chlamydia hadn't turned to face her yet.

"Everything is wonderful," Chlamydia answered, holding the baby in her arms as she turned. Surprisingly, the little girl was already sitting up, looking around curiously, her four arms reaching out in amazingly-coordinated grasping motions at things which caught her attention. "Congratulations! It's an Addams!"

"Jasmine," Chlamydia called. Then again, more sharply, "Jasmine! Stay with us, dear. Just one more push!"

Jasmine's eyes opened and she felt the contraction. Giving one large push, she felt her body release the child as she cried out in relief.

Adam looked at the child. "Jasmine, it's a girl. A beautiful little girl."

Gently, Chlamydia turned the infant and placed it on Jasmine's abdomen. The child moved arms and legs in vague, uncoordinated fashion as the Doctor turned to Adam. "It is customary, in some societies, for the father to cut the umbilical. Would you care to?" She held out a tiny knife.

Adam couldn't take his eyes off the tiny creature in front of him. When Chlamydia spoke, he nodded. "I'd love to." He grinned as he took the instrument from the doctor. "What do I do?" He asked as he looked at the cord attaching his child to his wife.

Jasmine watched as this went on. She was anxious to be done, to hold her child in her arms and then to sleep at least for a little while.

"Just cut here," Chlamydia answered, indicating the spot. "I'll tie the cord off, and in a couple of days, it will fall off naturally." She watched Adam and nodded approvingly when he finished. She tied the knot and turned away. "Go ahead and feed... goodness. What name did you decide upon?"

"We- we haven't." Jasmine said as she smiled at the infant on her chest. At that moment, nothing seemed to matter as she moved the baby to nurse and cried silent tears of joy and happiness. Adam sat near her and touched his daughter's cheek gently stroking her skin.

"She's perfect." he whispered. "Just like her mother."


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 19th Apr, 2018 @ 11:51pm

Oh, my gosh, that was definitely unique! I loved it, and I'm so glad it's a charming baby girl and not a squidlips!