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Knots the Mind Ties Itself Into

Posted on Thu 12th Apr, 2018 @ 12:10am by Purulence Addams
Edited on on Wed 18th Apr, 2018 @ 11:37pm

417 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Addams Family Home, Deck 1554
Timeline: Current

Purulence Addams had taken to keeping herself busy painting for the last several months. She had, she decided, imposed on Chlamydia for long enough; it was past time to earn her keep. It was as if, by finally writing to Ignatius and admitting to her fears, some cork in a wall inside her mind had popped free, and there were innumerable people and things she now wanted to paint.

She'd started with a portrait of herself and her sisters in the living room of Chlamydia's home. She had followed that with a portrait of a bookseller and paintings of the two Ferengi barges that traveled up and down the river. Captain Trav had been delighted with them and, even though they weren't portraits exactly, Purulence supposed they were portraits of the barges, so that counted, right?

Now Dr. Graves had commissioned a paining of the Buddhist temple where the Kellers had been married. He'd emailed her after the wedding and sent along an image of roughly what he wanted, as well as the desired size of the finished painting, and had asked how much she would charge for painting it. Purulence realized immediately that the sakura blossoms were what had appealed to him, and the trees were lush with them now. They wouldn't stay that way for long, though, and since he was paying... She'd spent the last couple of days at the Buddhist temple, sketching the scene.

Purulence was almost busy enough to not think about the fact that, save for a brief note to say he'd received her letter and to thank her for replying so promptly, she had heard nothing from Ignatius.

That had been, well, months ago. There were no reports of any lost passenger yachts. Messages sent to Collinwood were acknowledged with only a form response. Messages to her parents, asking--begging--them to check on him, were met with the same. Inquiries at his office--his secretary stated only that Ignatius was away on business and expected to be gone for a while on a circuit tour of his companies--but she would pass along the message. If Cousin Perverto were still alive, Purulence thought, she'd have written even to him.

It was maddening!

He's gone. I deserve it. i wasn't brave enough. I didn't love him enough. If I'd loved him enough I'd have felt no doubt, no fear, and I'd have trusted him, and we'd be married by now. What is wrong with me?!

Must. Keep. Painting.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 12th Apr, 2018 @ 4:25pm

Oh, is this a hiccup? Something more sinister? Or something good? I can hardly wait to find out!