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Family Matters

Posted on Sun 8th Apr, 2018 @ 6:50pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

1,351 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: CAG Office; Starbase Vanguard

As she sat behind her desk, Wellington stared at message on her desk terminal in disbelief. Her father had retired from being governor of Lunar One and now he and the rest of Wellington's family were en route to the station for a visit. They would arrive in an hour and was sent by her mother, wanting to keep it a surprise for as long as possible. Wellington had seen her family is years--keeping herself busy with her duties. A part of her liked that distance from her family--she wasn't the same person she had been when she first joined.

They had disapproved of her choice to join the Starfleet Marines and during her time home after the Dominion War, she fought with them bitterly about her service and spent much of that time alone. They, like many civilians never understood the sacrifices she had made, the pain she endured at the hands of the Breen as a prisoner, or the pain of losing friends that had flown and fought along side with her. Adding to that, K'Tar was here--they would never understand that relationship. She had first met K'Tar during the Dominion War and quickly developed a respect of one another but their duties had always come first. Now they met again and ended up having sex--she had yet to talk to K'Tar about that night that occurred a few days ago. She hoped he was serious because frankly, she was tired of being alone. When she had first come aboard Vanguard, a part of her thought something would develop with Paul Graves but that had died off apparently and he was seemingly happy with the XO, Commander Locke.

The chime to her office sounded, disrupting her train of thought. "Enter," she called as she stood.

The doors slid open to reveal K'Tar who stepped into the office.

"K"Tar! It's good to see you!" Wellington said with a bright smile that soon faded as she took in the serious expression on K'Tar's face. "What is it?"

K'Tar took in a deep breath and exhaled. "It is good to see you as well, Brooklyn. However, I must depart with my crew back to Qo'nos. I enjoyed the night we had however, we are from two very different cultures. You are a valued friend and cunning warrior, however it would not work out as my House would not accept a human into their ranks and I must think of my House's future."

Wellington felt like her heart had been ripped out as she fought back tears, and yet she knew was familiar enough with Klingon Tradition to know what K'Tar was trying to say. "So you're going back home to get married," Wellington finished.

K'Tar nodded. "Yes. I apologize for everything and hope we can at least remain friends."

A part of her wanted to clear the desk and commence to beating the shit out of K'Tar. Yet she knew K'Tar well enough that he valued Klingon Tradition more than anything--even love. If that what it even had been in the first place. "Fine," she choked. "Please see yourself out as I do have alot of work to do."

K'Tar wanted to say more but knew it was best to leave. He nodded. "Qapla', Brooklyn," he said before turning and leaving the office.

Wellington collapsed back down into her chair, feeling numb more than anything else and on top of it all, she would have to deal with her family.

**An hour later**

Wellington stood near the exit of a docking tunnel that was connected to a rather luxurious-looking private transport in the docking ring. The doors opened as a group of people exited, led by a balding man with a greying beard, dressed in a blue/grey suit, walking next to him was an older woman with greying hair and dressed in a purple suit, which she recognized as her mother and father. Accompanying them were a younger man a few years younger than Wellington, with dark brown hair, wearing a grey suit, which she recognized as her younger brother, Jake. Next to him was a black-haired oriental woman that Wellington didn't recognize but noticed that she was holding his hand. Behind him was a slightly older woman than Wellington with black hair, wearing a red dress, that she recognized as her sister, Olivia who was accompanied by a man roughly the same age with black hair and a beard wearing a black suit that she recognized as her sister's husband, David.

Her mother, Victoria smiled at the sight of her daughter. "Brooklyn! It's been too long!" she rushed and embraced Brooklyn.

"Hello mom," Brooklyn replied with a slight grin. Although she had a strained relationship with her family, she still enjoyed seeing her family after all of these years.

"All of your years of service to Starfleet and they ship you out to a not long ago derelict space station in the middle of nowhere?" her father spoke up.

"It's good to see you too, dad," Brooklyn said, looking at the man. "And they sent me out here because of my experience. They needed someone who could help get the station and fighter wing up and running. Besides, Vanguard has plenty to offer in forms of entertainment."

"To be honest dad, I think it's cool that my big sis is running an entire fighter wing from a space station," Jake replied with a grin and Brooklyn went and embraced him. She had always had a better relationship with Jake than the rest of her family. And this is my wife, Chen Li," Jake introduced the woman next to him.

"You got married?" Brooklyn asked in disbelief. "Congratulations! But why didn't you tell me?"

Jake's eyes shifted to his father as he tried to find an explanation.

Brooklyn looked back at her father with a glare. "Still dictating everyone's lives, dad?" her voice was bitter.

"I only have everyone's best interest at..." her father began.

"I don't want to hear it! The only interest you've ever had was your own and the precious family name," Brooklyn snapped. "I'm simply the black sheep of the family all because I joined Starfleet against your wishes!"

"That's enough. Both of you," Boorklyn's mother spoke up in a stern voice. "It has been a long trip."

Her older sister, Olivia came over and embraced Brooklyn. "It's good to see you, Brooklyn," she greeted with a grin and then took in Brooklyn's uniform. "Ugh, you actually have to wear that atrocious thing? I'm definitely going to have to take you on a shopping trip. Please tell me they have some sort of fashion stores on this starbase."

Leah Jamison, being escorted by her bodyguard Varr'dakk, always enjoyed a stroll along the docking ring. It was also an opportunity to see who was coming aboard the station. She overheard a commotion and looked at the group, spotting the station's CAG meeting with familiar faces that she recognized during her time on Earth with Disney Inc. as made her way over to the group. "Colonel Wellington, I do believe you have some introductions to make?"

"Ah, Ms Jamison," Brooklyn greeted, wondering what would bring the woman to interrupt a family gathering. "This is my family..."

"Jamison? As in Leah Jamison?" Brooklyn's sister Olivia said excitedly. "You're one of the fastest climbing CEOs of Disney Inc! You're on this station?"

Leah smiled. "Yes I am, and thank you. I came over because I believe I recognized your father, colonel." Leah then looked at the man. "Aren't you James Wellington? Governor of Lunar One?"

"Why yes I am...or I was. I'm retired now," James said with a grin.

Brooklyn saw her exit. "I have to get back to my duties."

"I'll be happy to show your family to their living areas," Leah volunteered with a smile that somehow made Brooklyn uneasy.

"We're having dinner tonight. Please come," Brooklyn's mother pleaded.

Brooklyn sighed. "Fine. I'll see you then, mom." Brooklyn turned and walked swiftly away--it had been a hell of a day so far and it wasn't over yet.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 10th Apr, 2018 @ 12:49am

Oooh, troubled waters, for sure, and I already don't like Brooklyn's father. =)