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Behind the Desk

Posted on Sun 8th Apr, 2018 @ 9:52pm by

410 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: CO's Office, Starbase 109

The door shut behind Commander Locke, leaving Suzuki Hikari alone in the office -- her office. She gathered her cane, stood, winced. Clearly, she'd already overdone the whole walking thing, and it wasn't even lunchtime. She hobbled to the desk, sat in the most uncomfortable comfortable chair on the station. She needed to get back to recording letters of condolence, and she would. But first... she tapped the desk, bringing up its display and the controls for the bulkhead display. She switched from the starfield Colonel Drake had preferred to a view over the inner harbor from a vantage near one of the outer doors.

She sat back in her chair and considered the view. Samurai had been completely powered down, and would soon be taken out of commission, her designation changed from "United Star Ship" to "Pre-Commissioning Unit." Henry, due for the step to full Commander, would be placed in charge of the vessel's move out of the harbor and into the construction yard, where she would undergo repair and refit.

And Riko? Suzuki shook her head. She had a long list of resignations to go through and knew it was likely Riko's retirement letter was in the pile. She also knew that she'd given the Science Officer a "highly recommended for promotion" evaluation, and... come to think of it, the list from BuPers might be out. "Computer, is the promotion list published?"

"Yes, Captain."

"Desk display, please. Sort to the top any members of Samurai or Starbase 109 crew who are on it. Sort by rank."

The computer beeped compliance, and Suzuki turned to her desk. Yes; Riko McCord and Henry Perry had made the step to Commander; so had Mikaela Locke. Suzuki smiled, scanning further down the list. Jasmine Collins had gotten her third pip, which was a big step... Hikari would have to remember to congratulate her. After a moment further perusing the list full of names she didn't recognize, Suzuki closed it.

Meetings, she thought. She needed to meet with all her department heads. And she might as well start with a name and a face she recognized... Andrew Eberstark. She touched a control on her desk. "Mr. Mejia, get in touch with Lieutenant Eberstark and set up a meeting, please. Allow an hour in my schedule for it."

"Aye, aye, ma'am," he replied.

Suzuki closed the channel and glanced over her shoulder at the wreckage of Samurai. She sighed, and got busy being the Captain.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 10th Apr, 2018 @ 12:52am

Great first steps. Riko's promotion ... that'll take some thinking!