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Good Bye's and New Beginings

Posted on Mon 9th Apr, 2018 @ 4:40pm by

643 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Isabella Perry's Quarters

"Well, I'm on my way back to earth for now" Henry said on the view screen in Isabella's quarters. She was saddened to only have spent a little time with her brother, but she was very thankful to spend what little bit of unplanned time they had together. "Do you have any hint or preview to where they might post you? I mean, I hope it's somewhere that has beaches and mountains. I want us to hike more like when we were kids." Isabella often went back to the memories of her and her brother in their youth trekking in North Carolina's mountains for hours on end.

"Well, I actually wouldn't mind going back to Utopia Planitia," Henry replied. "I have been working on some designs for a new starship that I think will blow the socks off of Command. I think I have enough clout with a couple of admirals that I could get what I want. Besides, I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to be back in an engine room yet."

"Wherever you decide to go, big brother, I will support and come visit whenever I can. I miss being close to you." Isabella smiled at her big brother and almost started to say her goodbyes, until Henry called out to her.

"Wait, before we sign off, we need to talk about Captain Suzuki being your new Captain." Henry stated with some excitement in his voice. Isabella had done a little research about her new Captain and loved everything that she had found, but she could not tell if that was because of the numerous commendations she had received for her bravery and her tactical mind, or if it was because her brother adored and admired his friend.

"Well according to you, Henry, I have nothing to worry about. How many times have you told me she is one of the best, if not the best, Captains in the fleet," she remarked with a little sly grin on her face.

"Everything I ever told you about her is true," Henry said. "Suzuki is one of the most caring and compassionate people that I know. But also, she can be calculating and cold in battle. I know you have been on your own in space doing your undercover stuff for Starfleet intelligence, but if need be, you can open up to her and talk to her."

Isabella knew where her brother was going with this conversation. After her work with Starfleet intelligence, she knew something had changed inside her, and others realized it too. That was part of the reason why she'd asked for a change of station in the first place.

"I ... hear you, big brother. Let me meet the legendary Suzuki Hikari for myself and make my own assessment." Isabella replied. Then, suddenly, a thought occurred to her. "You haven't been talking to her about me have you?" she asked.

"Well, not in so many words," he replied. "I just asked her to look out for you, although I know you can take care of yourself and the others on the station. You may be the Chief of Security, but you are still my little sister," Henry said with a big grin on his face.

"OK, how could I be mad about that?" she asked as she returned her brother's smile. "Look, big bro, I gotta go get ready to meet my new commanding officer. I love you, and please be safe." Isabella walked closer to the view screen and placed her hand on the screen. In return, Henry touched the screen of the temporary quarters of the ship he was on.

"I love you too, li'l sis" he replied, as he hit the button to end the call.

Isabella finished putting on her uniform and grabbed her PADD so that she could work in her office.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 10th Apr, 2018 @ 12:53am

Ha, looks like Henry and Isabella have a surprise coming about Henry's assignment! Another good sibling post.