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Digging Deeper

Posted on Sat 14th Apr, 2018 @ 6:17pm by Lieutenant Jacen Miller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro
Edited on on Sat 14th Apr, 2018 @ 6:49pm

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Starbase Vanguard, Ops
Timeline: Immediately following: "Enter the Knave"

Jacen, quietly walked across the space between himself and the Lieutenant that Locke had pointed out to him. She was busily working, her hands a blur across her console. He stood there and watched her work for a few moments. He had a hard time keeping track of all of the inputs she was making. He cleared his throat then finally spoke up.

"Lieutenant Baro? Commander Locke directed me to speak to you, if I wanted to be of assistance with the current situation. My...modest, talents are at your immediate disposal."

She was focused on her work, true, but she had a knack for paying attention to what was going on around her, at least to a point but she had a lot on her plate so she glanced at him as she continued working, "Why what do you fix? And who are you?" She asked briskly but not rudely, she tapped a key, "No I said repair section 12, it's most efficient and secure for the Samurai. Rope in anyone not on a vital repair, Just do it please. Clock is ticking." She tapped a button closing the com channel.

Jacen smiled, wryly. It's going to be one of those...I may as well get some entertainment out of it.

"I am no man." he replied, quoting Odysseus.

Baro hands flowed like a pianist on her keyboard as she glanced at him, "Oh it's going to be one of those...fine." she thought, "So what are you, a space station?" she quipped back, not getting his reference. Then she pointed, tapped a few more keys and his picture and assignment floated in front of her in a holographic format before she swiped it away, "I don't need intel, I need fixers, maybe try Lt. Eberstark at Tac." It wasn't said unkindly but someone who had a lot of balls in the air and was busy.

"As you wish..." Jacen sighed before continuing. "If you decide that you do need some intelligence, perhaps that there are more than a few torpedoes littered among the debris field, I'll be over there." Pointing in the direction of the Tactical station, before turning, and walking away from the busy Lieutenant.

"Wait, what? Torpedoes? Get back here." Lt. Baro snapped her fingers at an assistant muttered something about 'check on that debris field' and followed Lt. Miller. "What else do you know?" Then she thought to specify ..."that relates?" Her hands were on her hips, aka the Admiral Janeway Maneuver.

Miller turned back towards the Bajoran Lieutenant, and smiled impishly as he shrugged. "I merely overheard the Orion's Tactical Officer reporting the torpedoes to Captain Langstrom when I was on my way to the turbo-lift. He must have done some focused scans. They did have to navigate through that mess to get me here. It looked to me like most of Samurai is floating around out there. There could be a few other surprises in that debris field."

Jacen paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "They should still be in comms range, if you wanted to verify my information."

"I'll do that." She turned turned her station but paused, "Thank you," a brief nod, then she was walking briskly back to her station to make sure nothing was missed.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 14th Apr, 2018 @ 6:50pm

What fun! I liked getting a view of the new Intelligence Officer, and also seeing these two interact.