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Late-Breaking News

Posted on Sat 14th Apr, 2018 @ 6:29pm by

1,101 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 7, 0750

Dressed in jeans and a green peasant blouse, Riko slipped into black sandals and left the CO's quarters early. She found a place open in the Promenade and had breakfast at a 24-hour basic restaurant, trying out the idea of being an ordinary civilian planning a shopping day ... just to see how it felt. Afterward, she walked up and down Deck 587, looking in shop windows, though most shops weren't open yet. She paused in front of something called Beauty From the Beast, and peered in. It was open and doing, if not a brisk business, at least a healthy one, but she wasn't sure what they were doing, except that it had to do with beauty products.

Caroline Post walked out the door, blowing lightly on her fingertips, and almost ran into Riko. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I should pay more attention to where I'm going, but ... say, aren't you from that ship that was almost destroyed by pirates?"

Cautiously, Riko answered, wondering how in the world her face would be recognizable. "I am from Samurai, yes, but how did you know?"

Post smiled, "Most people wouldn't recognize you, but I'm a reporter, Caroline Post, and I do my homework." She held up a hand to forestall any reply just yet. "Don't worry, I'm off duty, and I'm just saying hello, not trying to dig out a story. I think that experience was horrible enough, no one who went through it needs to go through it again for a nosy newsy."

Riko smiled slightly, a little amused at the woman. "That's a rather ... hmm, unusual? ... attitude for a reporter. I thought you all worked 24/7 to come up with stories no one else has."

"Some of us. Me, sometimes. It's been several days, though, and while I could probably come up with a new angle, like I said, you've been through enough. Could I buy you breakfast, though, before we get on with our day?" Caroline asked.

"Oh, I just ate a bit ago, but thank you."

"Coffee, then. I know a marvelous restaurant on Deck 600, and it's a place you should know, too. Or at least you should know the owner, Jade Lantz. She makes a wonderful friend. Please, let me introduce you, and get you a coffee ... or chocolate if you prefer that," Caroline offered again, trying not to be pushy. She thought Jade would definitely be good for this woman. She looked ... bruised. Yes, that was it. Badly bruised.

Riko didn't have anything else she had to do. "Yes, alright. I'd like that. I may be here for a while, so perhaps making a few friends won't hurt. Thank you."

"Great!" Post said, herding the almost-stranger into the turbolift not far away. "We'll ride down a few floors and pop in on her. She's El Aurian and absolutely beautiful. I don't really know how old she is, we've never spoken of that, but she doesn't look more than 26 or 27 Earth years. She's a private person about her own life, but she's very generous about listening to friends. Ah here we are. You can see for yourself, shortly."

Riko followed the direction the journalist took and thought about the description of the woman ... Was her name Lance? She wasn't sure she wanted someone who was a good listener, because they were usually good questioners, too.

"Did you say her name is Lance, like those things ancient knights used?" Riko asked.

"Not quite, but almost. L - A - N - T - Z. Lantz, but most people call her Jade." Caroline pulled her to a stop outside the restaurant, which was much larger than McCord had anticipated. "You can trust her, 100%, with anything."

"Um, okay. Thanks," Riko said, not entirely sure why Post would tell her that.

"Now, let's go have some of that coffee. You never did say what kind you prefer - they have dozens."

"Oh, not a coffee drinker, really. You said chocolate though, and I love hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream ... or Ovaltine. My grandmother always fixed Ovaltine, but not many places have it outside of Broken Drive and Earth," Riko shrugged.

Caroline led her past the podium where Serena sat. "Playing doorman this morning, Miss Alia?" she asked, pausing briefly to be friendly.

Serena smiled, "Reon can't be on the door 20 hours a day, so I sit in for the Coffee Bar. It's nice to see you. I think Jade is in her usual place, if you've come for her."

"Thanks, it's lovely to see you, too," Post replied and led Riko inside. The coffee bar was spread along one wall, straight ahead, which also supported the stairway to the second floor. Later in the day, there would be a salad bar there, and still later in the evening, a dessert bar.

"Here we go, we'll just ask Jade about Ovaltine, whatever that is," she said to the woman at her side.

"Jade, good morning! I've brought a new friend to meet you. And here's a puzzle for you. Have you ever heard of Ovaltine?" asked Caroline.

"As a matter of fact, I have, but not in a very long time," Lantz replied, her eyes looking curiously at the stranger with her friend. "Why do you ask?"

"Because that's what my friend would like. Do you have some, or can you get it? I know you are amazing about acquiring things no one else knows."

Jade laughed, "For today, I can replicate it, but I can scout around and find a source," she turned her eyes back to the newcomer, "if you promise to come drink it up when I do."

Riko smiled, "If you get chocolate Ovaltine, I will be here every morning."

Post nodded, satisfied to have taken care of that detail. "Now let me introduce you. Jade, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Riko McCord. She's a newcomer to 109, obviously, so I thought I'd bring her right along to the best place to eat. Riko, may I present Jade Lantz, owner of Orchids & Jazz, and an extraordinary musician, as well."

Jade held out a hand, and Riko placed hers in it, almost tentatively. She felt as if she were turning some part of herself over to the woman, but there was no reason she could pin down.

"It's very nice to meet you. Please, call me Jade." She let go of Riko's hand and said, "Let me see how close I can come to a flavor which matches your memories of Ovaltine."

Unaccountably, Riko felt that life had just become more interesting.


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