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Second Chances

Posted on Thu 15th Nov, 2012 @ 1:54am by Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins & Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee

1,493 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Giellun's Cabin`
Timeline: After The Mornning After

Giellun didn't get a lot of sleep that night. He just hoped that he hadn't broken things between Xavier and him beyond repair. He didn't want to believe that could be the case, but he couldn't be sure. He didn't want to blow another relationship or at least potential relationship and a solid friendship because of something stupid.

He went to his computer and sent Xavier a memo:

"Xav, now its my turn to apologize. I am so sorry about last night. I hope you can forgive me. I want to, no, I need to make it up to you. I'd like to make you dinner tonight. You know I'm a good cook, just tell me what you want and I'll make it for you.


Xavier woke up feeling more refreshed and alive than he had felt in over a week. He had had a really good sleep, following a really good evening with Giellun; really good until the end. Xavier couldn't help but smile at the look on Giellun's face as Xavier pushed the Romulan out of his quarters and barring all contact for the night. He wished he had had a holorecorder just so he could relive the moment over and over again.

After a swift sonic shower and a fresh uniform Xavier was ready to face the day head on. He ordered some cereal and tea from the replicator and sat round the table with a PADD. After being alerted to the fact that he had a message waiting, Xavier got the computer to read it out for him. As Giellun's words filled the room, Xavier couldn't help but smile at the misinterpretation of his actions last night. It was clear that Giellun still didn't understand what he had done and why Xavier had turned so cold on him.

"Computer record memo," Xavier ordered once he had finished his breakfast.

"Recording," came the monotoned reply.

"Giellun, I'm excited about the prospect of dinner but I feel you still don't fully understand my actions last night. If you did, you wouldn't be apologising as you would know there is absolutely no need. I'm not mad, in fact I'm quite humoured as you try to piece together exactly what happened. Until you do, there will be no dinner." Xavier paused wondering whether to leave things there or not. He finally decided to continue. "Your only clue is to retrace your thoughts back to right before I pushed you out, solve this and you have me, unconditionally."

Xavier ended the recording and then chuckled to himself as he went back to reading his PADD.

Giellun recieve Xavier's message and thought for several minutes.

He then sent a message back, hoping that he had gotten it right this time, but prepared to rethinkg things if he had gotten it wrong.

He shot back a quick reply,

"I'm not quitting till I Figure it out FYI. I really do want to have you uncondtionally, you know. Let me try this.

Is it because I asked, instead of just going with the flow and seeing what happened?


Xavier was just about to leave his quarters when the computer alerted him to another message. It was from Giellun again and Xavier was happy to hear that the Romulan had started to piece the puzzle together, even if he had no idea what the final picture was meant to be.

"Let's just say you've found the Engine room but still haven't located the warp core chamber," Xavier recorded with a grin. He was enjoying himself way too much.

Giellun looked at the screen in mild exasperation. ~So close~ he thought to himself. He was about to send another response, asking for clarification, but decided on a different tact.

^=^Computer, find the location of Ensign Xavier Lee.^=^

::15 Minutes Later::

Xavier was sat in his office in the Operations department. He wanted to get started with his day, it wasn't like he didn't have enough to be getting on with, but there was some kind of meeting which he had to attend. He drummed his fingers on the desk as he read thrrough the latest damage reports. He didn't understand this station, the more they repaired the more it needed repairing, it just didn't make sense. He thought being the Assistant would be simplier but instead he was always busy and there just weren't enough hours in the day or coffee in the replicators. Coincidentally, replicators were featured heavily on his list of jobs to repair.

Giellun was working the swing shift, a shift he far preferred over graveyard, so he had some hours before he needed to be on duty. He had two cups of tea in his hands, one rather precariously balanced, when he pressed the chime to the Operations office.

Xavier looked up as the chime went off. "Come in," he called. He wasn't surprised to see Giellun standing there holding two steaming mugs. "What took you so long?" He asked with a smile.

"Well I decjded on the direct approach, seemed a lot better than sending messages back and forth. I figured we could talk this out," Giellun said as he handed Xavier a cup, "I hope you still like your tea like that, it's been awhile since the Academy."

Xavier grinned at Giellun and also mused over the unnecessary peace offering, but accepted it anyway. "Thanks Gil," he said as he made room on his desk for the beverage. "Take a seat."

Gilleun did as he had been asked taking a sip of the tea, he didn't like hot drinks that much, butat lest it wasn't coffee. He propped his legs up on a bench. "Well......" he said waiting for Xavier to talk.

Xavier noticed Giellun's relaxed stance and followed suit. He pulled his cup closer to him and raised it to his mouth. After a couple of long sips, Xavier placed the cup back onto the desk and then leaned back in his chair, all the time keeping eye contact with the Romulan sitting across from him. The situation wasn't awkward, on the contrary, it was very relaxed, too relaxed. Xavier could be stubborn but he had met his match in Giellun. After a few minutes in this stalemate silence Xavier finally decided to offer a prompt. "Well?"

Giellun could not help but chuckle, "Well I decided to surprise you and take the bull by the horns. I didn't want to wait and try to figure this thing out. So I thought we could have a good disucssion and maybe if one of us has the balls we'll do something more than just talk."

Xavier groaned. "You totally don't get it. I don't want you to apologise or come baring gifts or talk. I want action, I want you to dominate, and not ask permission."

This time the light really did come on over Giellun's head. He chastised himself for trying to play the diplomat, but only briefly. Then without a word he got up and moved to where Xavier was sitting. He hauled him to his feet and pushed him hard against the wall of the office pinning his arms. Then he pressed his lips against the other man's and began a slow passion filled kiss.

Xavier smiled as comprehension dawned on Giellun's face and then he rolled his eyes as the Romulan approached him. Xavier allowed the kiss to happen for a moment or two but then broke contact. It all felt too staged, like the pair of them were trying too hard. Xavier wanted it to be passionate and natural and definitely not in his own office during working hours.

"You quite done?" he asked, a little amused.

"For now," he replied, "You know we talked about horseback riding in the mountains, maybe a picnic. Why don't we do that tonight after shift. That or an ocean front bungalow on Risa. You're choice."

"The ocean front sounds much more appealing, but somewhere a little nicer than Risa, Betazoid maybe?" Xavier asked with a grin.

"Well then we'll have to use your program I've never been there. Surprise me."

Xavier grinned, he often wondered if Giellun listened to a word he said, or how long it sank in for. Regardless he agreed with the stubborn man, "okay, I have just the programme." He said.

Unaware that he had once againg missed the obvious he nodded his head, "I'll meet you at 1830 at Holodeck 3. I'll be dressed for the beach, which is to say I won't be wearing much."

He turned and started to leave, beginning to formulate some plans his mind.

Xavier watched as the man left and slowly shook his head. Some how he had gone from being amused by this whole situation to being a little bit weary. Giellun Hitchins was definitely going to be the death of him.


Ensign Xavier Lee
Assistant Chief of Operations
Starbase Protector

Lt.(jg) Giellun Hitchins
Strategic Ops Officer
Starship Protector


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