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A Klingon Visit

Posted on Sat 17th Feb, 2018 @ 6:36pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Fighter Bay; Starbase Vanguard

Wellington found herself halfway inside a maintenance hatch in her Valkyrie--if it could be called a maintenance hatch as the fit was fight but allowed her to access the warp core. Normally a technician would be doing the job but she wanted to work on it herself--besides, it was a simple cleaning job of the Warp plasma transfer case and she needed the work after the disaster that happened with transport intercept where Colonel Drake was murdered and she knew a meeting would likely be called soon to discuss what happened. She ran the degauzer over the pre-mix chamber, focusing on the work as she felt she would go crazy if she let her mind wonder.

"Captain," came the familiar voice of Lieutenant O'Malley outside of the starfighter.

The sudden voice spooked her,m causing her to bang her head on a nearby coupling. "Ow! Son of a--what?!" she exclaimed as she wiggled her way out of the tight space.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am," O'Malley said. "But there is a Klingon here that wanted to see you. He said he was Captain K'Tar, captain of the IKS Doj."

'K'Tar?!' Wellington thought, surprised as she turned to see a Klingon standing near 6'7", wearing the uniform of a Klingon captain in the KDF, with a old-looking scar that ran along the right side of his face, being escorted by a Starfleet Security Officer. "K'Tar! You no good son of a Targ!" she said, smiling. "Security, you're dismissed. She then turned to O'Malley. "O'Malley, get a technician to finish up here."

"Aye ma'am," she said, grinning as it had been awhile since she had seen Brooklyn smile. She wondered how the captain knew the Klingoin as she turned to find a technician to finish working on the captain's fighter.

"Brooklyn!" the Klingon laughed as he watched the human woman approach him with a toothy grin. "It has been too long!"

"Much too long! What are you doing here?" she asked with a big smile, extending her hand--only discipline kept her from wanting to wrap her arms around him.

"I was in the sector and my ship needed resupplying and the crew some rest from our extended patrol," K'Tar explained, as he grasped Brooklyn's forearm in greeting.

"Come, let's go and catch up," Brooklyn motioned towards the exit. "So how has your patrol been?" she asked as she turned and began walking.

"Glorious. We dealt with an Orion frigate who had the audacity to think he could best a Klingon warship in battle!" K'Tar boasted. "He will not make that mistake again!" he laughed. "Tell me, have you found anyone worth to best you?"

"They don't exist," Brooklyn replied with a sly grin that caused K'Tar to roar with laughter.

"That's what I like about you, Brooklyn! You have the spirit and heart of a Klingon!" K'Tar exclaimed.

Hearing K'Tar use her first name brought back memories of the first time they met during the Dominion War. He had been a simple warrior then--she had never thought she would form a friendship with a Klingon but they made the most loyal friends. They became friends after she aided him and his forces by providing much needed close air support during a ground offensive against the Jem H'dar. "There is a Klingon restaurant on the promenade that I think you will enjoy."

"Then let us enjoy some Bloodwine while we catch up!" K'Tar said, giving Brooklyn a friendly slap on the back.


Two hours later, Brooklyn and K'Tar were laughing--Brooklyn needed this break to talk with her old friend as she finished downing a glass of bloodwine. "...and then Bargh ran out onto corridor butt naked, yelling jIH bel jIH Hegh!--I will pleasure myself with your death!!" K'Tar pounded the table in laughter.

Brooklyn nearly choked as she laughed. "He didn't?!"

"He did! The crazy Targ took out four of the intruders and sent the rest fleeing!" K'Tar exclaimed, still laughing.

Brooklyn shook her head as she tried to get the image out of her head. "So what is Bargh doing now?"

"He's my XO!" K'Tar replied.

"Dear God..." Brooklyn rested her head in her hands which caused K'Tar to roar with laughter again. Brooklyn raised her head. "It's good to see you, K'Tar," she said, feeling something within her being drawn to her friend. 'Damn alcohol,' she thought as she looked at him. She wasn't drunk but she was close. 'No, I can't..' she told herself mentally. "I better go to my quarters and get some rest," she commented, standing, keeping her hands on the table until she was sure of her balance. "I should go and get some rest," she said, getting her bearing before feeling a strong hand on her arm.

"I will go with you," K'Tar said.

Brooklyn smiled. "Thank you," she said with a grin.


A few minutes later, the two arrived outside of her quarters. "Thank you, K'Tar, she said as she turned to him.

She suddenly found herself pressed up against the bulkhead hard as K'Tar pushed against her, kissing her deeply. She was confused about what to do as there had always been some attraction but never acted on it as they were from two very different societies. Her hand reached for the door panel and pressed it as the door slid open as she returned the kiss. She then wrapped her legs around K'Tar's waist as he carried her inside.

Several hours later, laid next to K'Tar, spent with her head resting on his chest as her eyes opened to meet K'Tar's. Their uniforms had been tossed about her quarters. She kissed him softly. "Hopefully I won't have to explain these bruises to the doctor." She had a few bruises on her body but not her neck or face.

"I hope I didn't hurt you," K'Tar said sincerely.

" didn't...I needed this," Brooklyn replied softly as she wondered what would happen now between K'Tar and her.

Her comm link soon activated. "All Senior Staff, please report to the Observation Lounge."

"Will I see you again?" K'Tar asked.

Brooklyn pushed herself up, straddling K'Tar before leaning down. "You better believe it." She then kissed him again before getting off of the bed and heading for the lavatory to change into a fresh uniform.


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