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Clearing the Mind

Posted on Tue 30th Jan, 2018 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Ensign Joshua Schwartz

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick

Taking a deep breath in front of the door, Andrew felt a sense of guilt he hadn't talked to Josh earlier. He could tell the Ensign was visibly shaken from finding the second body. Unfortunately, the sequence of events that transpired afterwards felt like a whirlwind to Andrew. He barley had time to gather his own thoughts, but couldn't really understand what Josh was going through. He hoped the time off from work would help the Ensign, but to be honest, he wasn't sure if it would just make things worse. Giving a man more time to dwell on events like this could complicate the matter even more, but Andrew sensed Josh just needed to process this his own way. Nevertheless, Andrew wasn't someone who chooses the 'do nothing' option in these circumstances.

Pressing the door chime, there was almost an immediate answer, as the doors hissed open. The lighting in the room was at the lowest possible level Andrew guessed as he made his way in slowly. Noticing clothes spread out over the room in no particular order, his eyes fell on the figure sitting silently at the desk along the wall to the left of the door. As the doors hissed closed behind him, Andrew got a better sense of just how dark the entire room was and blinked multiple times as his eyes adjusted.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, Josh. I just wanted to see how you were doing and if you needed anything."

As Josh rose from his seat, Andrew could tell the man was surprised to see him. Fixing his shirt, the Ensign seemed to gather himself and refocus, "Sir, I didn't expect you. I'm...I'm sorry for the mess."

Smiling, although Andrew wasn't sure Josh could even see it, he answered, "Not to worry, Ensign. Although, I'm a bit surprised your roommate hasn't complained about it or the lighting for that matter."

Josh swore under his breath, moving to clear off a seat, "He's actually on leave right now. And I'm sorry again. Computer raise lighting three levels."

As the computer obeyed, Andrew's eyes refocused and he gave a small sigh of approval. Josh winced slightly at the change of level, "Is that better, sir?"

Andrew nodded as he took the offered seat across from Josh, "Yes, thank you. It actually feels like its afternoon now. So how have you been doing with everything?"

Forcing a smile, Josh took his seat, "Um...better," looking around at his quarters, "Believe it or not. The counselors helped, but honestly I think I just needed some time to myself. I never experienced something like that before. I guess I just froze in the moment."

Nodding in understanding, Andrew remained silent. He couldn't blame the young man for reacting the way he did, nor could he judge him.

Continuing after a moment, "But I think I'm finally getting back in the right mindset. Hopefully I'll get cleared to return to duty soon. That is, if you'll allow it, sir."

"Of course. Whenever you're ready, Josh," Andrew replied, "But make sure you aren't rushing back to work just to do it. We can manage without you for a little while longer I think. And I hope it's something you will never have to experience again. It's certainly not something to be taken lightly. Besides, the darkness says otherwise about your mindset."

Josh smiled, "Of course, sir. But I think I just got used to the lower light levels the past few days. I honestly feel much better. I was able to have a good talk with my parents and catch up. It helped clear my head. You know how parents seem to able to make you feel better all the time?"

Andrew winced involuntarily at the question and saw Josh's confused look, "I'm sure they're helpful. I'm glad that they are such a source of support for you," brushing past the subsequent silence, "Well, like I said, whenever you feel you're ready, just let me know. I know there are some upgrades and system checks that could use your assistance."

Smiling again, Josh proudly handed him a PADD, "I know they've been put on the back burner with what's been going on, but I've had some thoughts on those the past few days."

Raising an eyebrow, Andrew accepted the PADD, quickly glancing over it, appreciating the work. Most of his time and energy has been spent with this investigation that has been frustrating him time and again. Handing the PADD back, "Well, then. Maybe you should come back sooner rather than later. If you're up to it, would you be interested in grabbing some dinner and we can discuss your ideas?"

"Absolutely, sir," looking down at his untucked shirt and then back to Andrew, "Would you mind if I changed first, sir?"

Sharing a smile with the man, Andrew nodded and rose from his seat, "I would fully endorse that, Josh. Let me know when you're ready. I have some things to take care of in my office. Give me a call when you're ready."

"Sounds good, sir. And thank you again for stopping by," Josh replied as he escorted Andrew to the door.

Andrew nodded in response, "Of course. If you need anything else, including wanting to talk about it, just let me know. I'll see you for dinner."


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 1st Feb, 2018 @ 5:40pm

Great character development for Andrew, and nice interactions. Thanks!