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Too Much of a Good Thing

Posted on Sun 3rd Dec, 2017 @ 6:25am by

987 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: River Walk Park, Deck 1554
Timeline: MD 02, 1630

Flavia Smith loved flowers. She also loved children, so she had plenty of both. She walked along the almost finished banks of the river that flowed around Deck 1554, watching her children run ahead of her. They were like wild daisies blowing in the wind, darting here and there. She smiled at the whimsical quality of the thought. Not too many hours for thinking such thoughts with six children.

The whole river system was a marvelous feat of science and engineering. On Deck 1552, a stream meandered around about 2000 meters, offset halfway around the central cylinder of Vanguard, from the upper stream on decks 1550-1551. At the end, it dropped straight down 2 decks, to Deck 1554, creating an amazing waterfall among rocks and trees which had been planted by Vanguards's Head Gardner, Hieronymus Block. Already, they had grown tall enough for shading picnics … and running children.

The waterfall fed into the main river, which flowed entirely around deck 1554. It was much wider and deeper than the waterways on other decks. allowing additional water to circulate, and providing safe passage for the two small steam wheelers which the Ferengi ran around the deck several times a day, including one moonlight cruise. The river water was partially recycled up two decks, and partially replaced constantly by exchange with the water reclamation project.

Truly it was an amazing accomplishment, and as Flavia's six children, who ranged from 2 to 13, chased up and down the grassy banks, she could imagine how many people would enjoy rest and relaxation here. Villas they owned, an Inn and at least one Bed and Breakfast, not to mention the fishing village and the farmlands - it had all seemed so far-fetched the first time Jade Lantz had mentioned it to her. But now ... now it was a thriving reality, with communities, businesses, even entertainment of various kinds on the decks involved. She didn’t think there was anything like it on a Starbase anywhere else.

As Flavia neared the floral garden display, she spied an officer in science blue sitting at a picnic table, PADD in hand. Beyond him, she could see the fishing dock and village.

She set her own PADD down on the table where the officer sat. "Hello! Flavia Smith. I own Scent of Love, a florist in the Promenade. Are you one of the botanists who works on the gardens here? You’ve done a wonderful job."

Anthony looked up and smiled at the woman. "I barely touched any of it. A plant here and there, but most of it is someone else’s work." He gestured at the other side of the table for Flavia to sit.

Glancing at her children, she called out, "Herodia, keep an eye on Terminus. You know he doesn't swim well yet!"

As she sat down, her daughter called back, "Du betten, Mama."

"I thought they might like to run around while I'm mapping a layout for a garden at one of the villas on the hill," the florist nodded toward the homes which seemed some distance away. "The Arboretum just isn't a place for wild young things. I know that grumpy fellow ... what's his name? Always reminds me of a gruesome painter from the 1900s."

She frowned, "Or was it the 1800s? Well, no matter, a long time ago. Blotch? Blosch? Block! That's his name. The gardener, I mean, not the painter." Having completely backed herself in circles, she shrugged and smiled.

"The point is, that’s who you mean, isn’t it? For the plantings. But Science does the wildlife, or whatever it is that lives in the rivers, right?" Flavia asked. "What does live there, anyway? I've never been around water, being a desert girl myself."

"Fish, snakes, eels, generally; in a river like this, something that likes the fast speed of the water, and things that prefer lazy swimming. Freshwater fish is what I would guess they put in." McCabe pulled up a picture of a trout and showed it to Flavia. "These like fast moving water and this," an image of a blue gill sunfish, "prefers slower moving water. I’m not entirely sure what was chosen, I simply come here to think. This was all in place when I first arrived. I understand it took several years to bring it to this finished point."

"Wonderful! I like the variation in color on this one," Flavia tapped the picture on the scientist's PADD. "It looks like a rainbow, sort of. These are good for eating, too? Life is amazing.

“I was here for the initial planning and building. It did take a couple of years, and of course, things are still being built and expanded. Oh, dear -" she broke off, struck by another thought. "Are we interrupting your peace and quiet?"

The sound of the children laughing nearby certainly nixed the idea of peace. "Not at all,” Anthony said graciously. “I was just thinking about bringing my own daughter down here. It’s a place made for children, don’t you think? There’s also a fishery on Deck 1552. I thought she might like to see how they are born and grow. I doubt she’ll want to gather worms and go fishing, though,” he laughed.

"A sweet girl doesn’t want to get dirty," Flavia nodded her head knowingly. "I approve of that, but I don’t have any who fit the category,” she laughed, looking at hers and counting a quick six still playing. “They've probably had enough fun for one day. I'll have to come back later to work on my garden plan." She rose, picking up her PADD. "You enjoy the peace here, and get your thinking done.” Looking around, she added, “I imagine there aren’t many days that are this quiet.”

“Not too many,” Anthony agreed, “but that’s why we like them, isn’t it? Too much of a good thing ... is not a good thing.”


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Tue 5th Dec, 2017 @ 1:57pm

What wonderful descriptive detail in this post!