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A Home, My Kingdom for a Home

Posted on Sun 3rd Dec, 2017 @ 4:22am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

793 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Main Operations, Deck 13
Timeline: MD 1, 0915

"So that's the good news. It isn't a promotion, but it feels like one, because it's a lot more responsibility. I'm on my way to Operations now to see if I can wangle some family quarters for us. You two doing okay?"

"We're fine, don't worry about us," Janetta said. "I thought I'd wait on school until we know which sector of the base we'll be living."

"School? Isn't Ari a little young for that?"

"You know how smart she is. You'll be surprised how a pre-school develops young minds," his sister informed him. "It'll be good for her to interact with other children, see different points of view. Maybe three mornings a week, maybe five. We'll see what programs are available when we know where we're going to be."

"Okay, I hadn't expected that, but you know more than I do in that area. Hey, I'm at Operations, so I'll update you later. Com off." Anthony walked through the main entrance to Operations and looked around. The area in front was set up as a reception area, with numerous tall, rounded kiosks. Behind each one sat a yellow-shirted Operations person. A quick glance showed most of them were Petty Officers of one sort or another.

McCabe read the moving signs that rotated around the top of each kiosk. He spied one which said: Apply for Quarters Here. He noticed several had the same message running, but the first one had no one waiting, so he walked over.

"I'd like to apply for family housing, and I'm not quite sure how it works," he said after a moment's hesitation.

The human Petty Officer 2nd Class Weldon Spurlock did not look up at first. He continued to type away on his computer, finally after a time that seemed just a little too long but not long enough to get really annoyed he looked up. His features thin and disapproving. "May I help you, Sir," he said slightly nasally, a haughty tone that hinted he considered this a great imposition and acting as though he hadn't heard the request.

Patiently, Anthony repeated his request, trying not to be irritated by the man's attitude. "I need housing for my family, so can you help me with the application process? I don't know exactly what to do." He had the sudden thought that he might be cranky, too, if this were his job instead of the science he loved so much.

The Petty Officer looked at McCabe, nothing the Ensign rank on his collar and said after a long moment, "Our procedures and policies are on the central computer...Sir." He leaned to the side slightly to note the few people who had gotten in line behind Ensign McCabe. Spurlock sighed and looked back up at the officer. He normally did 3rd shift which hardly anyone needed help despite the 24-hour nature of this place, but another petty officer had called in sick he'd gotten stuck with the duty.

"That may be, but I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction. The central computer is a big place. I've never applied for family housing before," Anthony said, managing to remain calm. "Just give me a hint where to go and what to do."

Petty Officer, focus on the petty, Spurlock gave a long suffering sigh and started to speak. Just then he caught sight of a Chief Petty Officer slowly coming down the row checking on all personnel. His eyes narrowed and he looked even more sour as he turned to the officer but he did speed up. The Duty CPO already warned Spurlock about his attitude. Spurlock did not want to deal with that again. He pulled out a PADD and tapped a few keys before handing it to the Ensign, "Going from the central departmental page one choose 'Operations' then 'Logistics' then 'Housing' from the drop down menu. The Application is there...Sir." His voice and tone couldn't be less animated but at least it wasn't outright insubordination.

Under housing there were a number of links and it still wasn't entirely clear because there were a number different applications depending on what one was applying for. housing for single, housing for a poly family, housing for one spouse, housing for spouse and children, house with special environmental needs and so on.

"Operations, Logistics, Housing," Anthony repeated. "Got it!" He smiled at the clerk. "I'll be back shortly."

Spurlock watched the Ensign for a moment then called, "You should apply soon, we've had a rush on applications. I've no idea when yours may be considered. Sir." He didn't sound like that made him sad in the least. His nasally voice a bit pleased with himself as he turned to the next person in line.


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 3rd Jan, 2018 @ 8:13pm

Aw, Christina, you have got to make Spurlock an NPC on the manifest! He and his attitude are too entertaining!

By Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro on Thu 4th Jan, 2018 @ 12:49am

Thanks Paul, the request was for an annoying government like official, interesting balance. Glad you enjoyed :).