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Check Up

Posted on Fri 20th Oct, 2017 @ 6:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

615 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: CMO's Office
Timeline: Baro arrive day 2

The sound of a viola filled the empty lobby of the medical department. The desk, where a Yeoman usually sat, was vacant, leaving only the haunting melody as a clue that anyone living was present. It seemed to be coming from a doorway down the corridor, but the lights inside were dim.

First thing on Lt. Baro's second day she, as was normal, reported to sickbay for the routine check up and in. In her uniform ready to work she still wanted this out of the way so she could get back to work. However the odd atmosphere in the half light was not normal. She paused and followed the music curiously. She paused at the doorway to a room wherein a woman played what looked like a large violin. She paused, unsure if she should interrupt, a fondness for music causing her to try to place the intriguing tune in her memory.

Within the office, a surprisingly tall and skeletally thin woman in the black-and-blue uniform of the medical department stood with her back to the door. She had black hair plaited into a single braid which fell down her back nearly to her waist. Tucked under her chin was that large violin, its finish gleaming oddly red in the dim lighting within. Abruptly, she stopped playing. "Enter freely," she said without turning around, "and of your own will."

Lt. Baro entered carefully something in the tone curious but sometimes Earther's still confused her so perhaps it was that. "Lt. Baro Alora reporting for medical check in." She said a little uncertainly, "I expected more bustle in the station's sickbay..." She trailed off the completely empty place at odds with the rest of the station. Not bad just curious.

"This is only one of several infirmaries," the woman said, lowering the red viola and turning to set it on a stand. "It just happens to be the one where I have my office, so it's designated as primary. Most of our personnel are having their damage control certifications renewed, which makes this site as quiet as a tomb." She glanced at the shelf above the viola's rest, where a surprisingly lifelike skull sat, carved from a single gigantic opalescent stone.

"Chlamydia Addams," the doctor said, turning away from the shelf. "Of the New York Addamses." Her dark eyes passed over Baro quickly. "As for medical check-in... are you suffering from anything rare, painful, debilitating or otherwise fascinating?"

A little confused Alora replied, "Um no I don't believe so. My records..." She held out a PADD, not hostile but not entirely sure yet what to make of this new doc.

Addams waved the hand holding the instrument's bow dismissively. "Are in the computer, I'm sure. Have you used a transporter recently?"

Baro put the arm holding the PADD down and replied, "No, not lately. I was on leave then traveling here then a shuttle so maybe two months?" She tried to think back then nodded, "Two months". She'd taken a shuttle down to Bajor and didn't leave for a month then shuttle back up. Pretty much shuttles and ships since then. No reason just how it worked out.

Addams nodded. "Go use a transporter," she directed. "Then you'll be checked in."

It took her moment, she was vaguely puzzled but then she remembered the bio scanning, "Right fair enough. I'll go do that now, anything else Doctor?"

Addams shook her head. "No; the transporter has an atomic-level scanner far more precise than anything required for medical purposes. The computer will automatically forward that scan to me, and I will review it for anomalies." She raised the viola to her chin again. "Enjoy your day, Lieutenant."


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 25th Oct, 2017 @ 4:04am

Oh so typically Addams! I liked the way Boro played the confusion card so well.