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Not a Gastroenterologist

Posted on Tue 24th Oct, 2017 @ 6:12am by Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Primary Infirmary

Chlamydia Addams dropped a PADD on her desk and sighed, looking across it at Doctor Dhuro. "I ask for a gastroenterologist, or at very least a parasitologist, and what do they send me? An epidemiologist." Addams' companion, the Zeta Reticulan spider known as Thing, moved across the desk on its fingertips, flipping the PADD face-up.

"I am sure we'll find something for him to do," Lanis replied.

The young Bajoran medical officer entered the infirmary just after Doctor Addams had made her comment. If he heard what she said he didn't react "Good morning," he said as he approached the pair, "Doctor Anjohl, reporting for duty."

"Is it?" asked Addams, rhetorically. "I am Chlamydia Addams, of the New York Addamses. This is Dhuro Lanis of the Rakantha Province Dhuros." Thing tapped the PADD with one fingertip, and Addams glanced down at the disembodied hand. "And this, of course, is Thing A. Thing, of the Zeta Reticulan Things... though its family has been living with mine for rather a long time. I suppose it would be fair to say that Thing is also of the New York Addamses."

Perhaps because Anjohl was Bajoran and not Human, he was rather unimpressed the doctor's last name. In truth, he had never heard of the Addams family. He thought it impolite to say so however so he kept those thoughts to himself. While he wasn't impressed by the name he was impressed by the unattached, yet fully self-functioning hand.

"Doctors," he replied with a brief nod to each of his new colleagues. "The hand, the Thing as you call it, is it sentient?"

"I have it on good authority that it doesn't play the violin," Lanis said with a faintly amused look, "which is a shame."

"Well, now, that would be interesting," Gaden deadpanned, "so what can it do?"

Thing flipped over on its forearm, four of its fingers starting to curl as the fifth extended; Addams reached out and picked it up before the gesture could be completed. "Now, Thing," she said, calmingly. "No need for that mudra." She looked across the desk at the young Bajoran doctor and the older one. "Doctor Dhuro is Vanguard's chief of surgery," she said, in a tone which made it clear they were moving on from the topic of Things.

"Pleased to meet you, Dr. Anjohl," Lanis said and extended his hand. "I promise, my hand doesn't do backflips," he said.

Anjohl chuckled softly, "That would be something. I hope it doesn't make rude gestures either."

Lanis snorted with amusement. "Only to the richly deserving."

Anjohl extended his own hand to the surgeon and shook the other man's. "Nice to meet you."

Then turning to Doctor Addams he said, "Would you like to see my orders ma'am?"

"I've seen them," Addams answered, setting Thing on her shoulder. She tapped the bezel of the PADD on her desk. "But thank you." She folded her hands in front of her and regarded the young doctor again. "They say you're an epidemiologist. I take it you're well familiar with research and lab work?"

"Of course, ma'am. I prefer dealing with patients, but I find myself spending a lot of time in the lab. I don't mind research, and sometimes it's necessary. Why do you ask?"

Addams looked at Dhuro, and then back to Anjohl. "During surgery not too long ago, Doctor Dhuro and I took some bone samples. I'd like you to take a look at them, and give me your impressions of them. And, so as not to prejudice your observations, I would like not to give you the patient history beforehand."

"Of course Doctor," the younger Bajoran said with a smile, "I always enjoy a challenge. Are you at least going to tell me the species the bone fragments come from?"

Addams looked at Dhuro again. "Lanis? Your thoughts?"

"I would say to make your best educated guess about the species and be prepared to explain your reasoning," Lanis said. "Species is part of the patient history, which Dr. Addams has declared off limits."

"If I can find and identify a microbe, I'm pretty sure I can find and identify a bone. When would you like me to start?"

Addams looked down, into the surface of her desk. She tapped it a few times, and then looked back up. "I've placed microbiology laboratory nine at your disposal. You may start when it is convenient. There is no rush; the samples are months old, and the patient has left our facility."

"I will start tomorrow, ma'am," the young Bajoran promised.

"That will be more than adequate, Doctor," Addams said. "I look forward to your findings."


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 25th Oct, 2017 @ 4:08am

Well played humor from all of you! I'm looking forward to the follow up.