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A Little Side of Music

Posted on Fri 13th Oct, 2017 @ 5:12am by Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Orchids And Jazz
Timeline: MD 05, 2300

Anjohl had only been on Vanguard for two days and his body had just fully adjusted to the shift between the time in San Francisco, the transport vessel and then the space station's clock. He was still finding it hard to sleep at night. It was late, close to twenty-three hundred when he left his room dressed in a pair of black chinos, and a grey vee neck sweater that hugged his lithe frame. He had heard a great deal about Orchids and Jazz and with nothing better to do, he decided to check it out. He was hoping to find someone to dance with, but at the very least he would have a drink or two and watch the people.

He stepped off the lift and through the doors to the establishment.

"Good evening, Sir," Reon greeting him. Would you like a table for dinner?" Although it was getting late, there was still an hour of the full menu time remaining, and for night owls in the city of Vanguard, it was early yet.

Gaden was about to say no, he'd come for drinks, dancing and maybe meeting up with someone, but he stopped himself from replying. "Yes, actually, I would. I just realized how famished I am. I would love a table if you don't mind."

Reon smiled, "Miss Lantz would say, 'Feeding the hungry is what we're here to do'. If you'll follow Jenna, she'll show you to an excellent table, as close or as far from the music as you'd like."

Looking lovely in a short black dress that skimmed the top of her knees with a soft swirly skirt, Jenna smiled and led him into the dining room. Docha Nata sang a slow and tender version of 'The Way You Look Tonight' as she asked, "Which would you prefer, near the music and dance floor, or farther away?"

"Great question," the Bajoran replied, "somewhere close to the music, I really came here to dance. That can wait till after dinner, but for now, I want to be close. I like Terran Jazz."

"Then you, my friend, have come to the right place. Miss Lantz knows all there is to know about it. She'll probably stop by while you're eating." Jenna led him to a table right next to the dance floor, but to the left slightly. Since all the tables were surrounded with orchids, palms and rounded high-backed bench seating, it gave a sense of privacy in spite of being right next to the small dance floor and the low stage.

Jenna touched the menu on the electronic device built into the table. "Take your time to peruse the meals. They are all excellently prepared by our human chef and her assistants in our own kitchen containing real ingredients. No meal here is ever synthesized. I'll be back shortly to take your order. Would you care for water or another beverage?"

"I would like water, but I'd also like a nice White Merlot if you have one." He glanced down at the menu, then back up at the woman standing before him, "What would you recommend, all the choices look so tantalizing."

"I think I can find a white merlot for you. If it isn't in our stock here, Jade probably has it in reserve," Jenna assured the lieutenant. "As for food, you can never go wrong with Chef Marin's fried chicken. Free range chickens are imported from a colony nearby, and the crust and spices are wonderful. I know there is also some Grolanda Stew left. Where Holmes came up with a hara cat, I'm not asking, but the mapa bread that comes with it was baked from scratch. I can also add a side of moba fruit if you like."

"Moba fruit?" Gaden asked his eyes lighting up. "That sounds delightful. And the fried chicken says good, too. And if you have a nice spinach salad to start, that would be perfect."

"I have no doubt Chef Holmes can organize a beautiful spinach salad for you ... and one that tastes good, too. I'll get that started and then find the merlot for you. Enjoy the music while you wait, and maybe you'll find someone else who likes to dance." Jenna smiled again and walked away, leaving him to enjoy the atmosphere.


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