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First Trip to Orchids & Jazz

Posted on Tue 14th Nov, 2017 @ 6:07am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

1,376 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 3, 1845

Lt. Baro finally got off duty. She'd meant to check this place out sooner but the work in ops, then trying to sort Lt. Eberstark's relay issue took time. She'd managed to finally get to her quarters where she lost an hour just meaning to 'close her eyes for a minute'. Finally, though, she'd arrived in what she'd been told was one of the best places to relax on the station. Since her uniform had been rumpled with the unintended nap, she'd showered and tossed on some civilian clothes. Black dress slacks, black leather shoes and dark green shirt was her basic outfit. She always meant to spruce up her civilian wardrobe but, to be honest, it never seemed to matter much on a deep space vessel.

At least she wasn't out of place. This place was classy with music that Alora sort of recognized but wasn't sure on. This must be the 'Jazz' part of the name, but not so much one needed to dress up a lot to get in the door. She took a long view of the room then went with the old adage, 'when in doubt go to the bar'.

"Good evening," said a smooth voice just behind her. "Would you care to sit at a table for dinner, or are you meeting someone?"

Alora turned to see the person behind her. "Did they teach them ninja skills at this place?" She thought to herself as she replied, "Just one, please."

"There are many times when one is the best choice," Velasquez smiled at her. "Jenna will show you to your table."

The server, who had walked up quietly behind them, smiled and turned to lead the woman to a table. She had just the perfect one, not too close to the music, but not too far away. She asked, "Is this your first visit to Orchids & Jazz?"

"Yes." Alora replied, "As the nearest expert, anything I should know?" She asked gently, ever curious as she followed the server.

Threading their way through the diners, Jenna arrived at the perfect table and turned with a smile. "Many things, and I'll give you a short tutorial of the most important ones if this table is suitable. You can hear the music, but it's more muted, and you can still see the dance floor if you enjoy watching people dance."

Alora glanced around. It was a nice, small table. As Jenna said, basically near the action but not too close if one wanted to just relax. She turned to the other woman before sitting down, "Thank you, this will be fine. I'm Baro Alora, new ops chief." Her mother taught politeness and respect to all and that suited Alora just fine.

"Jenna, wait staff," she said with a smile. Of course, she did a lot of things other than wait on customers, but everyone at Orchids & Jazz did. "Now, let's see. The band playing will be leaving in about an hour. They are all local musicians and play for a couple of hours every night. At 2000 hours, the singer comes on. She's known as a torch singer because of the type of music she sings and the way she sings. She'll be on until midnight, with a couple of breaks. Most people like her style of jazz."

Jenna pointed out the menu on a small inset computer at the side of the table. "You can see what's available until midnight from there, and I'll be back to take your order in a few minutes. The special tonight is Jersey Jake's barbecued pork ribs, with southern greens and candied yams. The vegetables are all grown here on the station, and the meat is brought in by a ship's captain we like very much. What would you like to drink, and I'll get that while you decide. You can't make a bad choice, unless you just don't happen to like certain foods."

Alora was distracted a moment by the sheer variety of choices and it took her a moment to refocus on Jenna, "Springwine please." Then she continued, "Take your time, it's going to take a few minutes to get through all this..." She joked. "And thank you." She didn't know much about Jazz or 'torch' singers but was always up for a new experience, well usually. She did recall a rough night of Klingon Opera.

"Springwine coming up shortly," Jenna smiled. "Until then, enjoy the music. I happen to recognize this one. It's called 'Tenderly'. They keep telling me they're doing in the style of Lester Young, but," she shrugged, "that means nothing to me. Now, Miss Lantz, she knows. If you have questions about the music, she's the one to ask." Jenna walked toward the bar to give the bartender the order, and then back to the door to seat the next customer.

Alora gave her thanks as the woman bustled away. She didn't know what was meant either but it might be interesting, the ebb and flow of music was all it was but so much one could do with a few notes. For the first time since she arrived, she properly relaxed, her eyes skimming the room as she took it in properly waiting for the music to start. She loved music, amazed at all that could be done with it . She looked forward to the new experience of the band, the first of many new experiences she hoped at this new post.

It was quite sometime before Miss Lantz worked her way around the room and came to her new customer. Her meal was finished, and she was listening to the combo wind up it's latest song, the 1934 For All We Know. "Hello," she greeted, standing across from the lieutenant. She held out her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Jade Lantz, owner of Orchids & Jazz. I hope you've enjoyed your meal. Is there anything else you'd like to try? I can highly recommend the George Washington Cherry BruleƩ."

Alora looked up and smiled, "Lt. Baro Alora, Ops Chief." She said shaking Jade's hand. "Pleasure to meet you. Interesting place you have here. I'm not sure how I feel about the music..." She said gesturing to the band, "It certainly is interesting and very mellow. I think it could grow on me." She smiled, the music helping to do for her mind what a massage would do for her body, so generally feeling pretty mellow herself.

"Ah," Jade smiled back, "it's got you. Feel free to stop in any time. We aren't open between 0200 and 0600 or between 0830 and 1200, but otherwise, we are always here, and there's almost always some kind of jazz playing."

In the last 50 years or more, many Federation species had migrated throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants, and were now spreading into the Delta quadrant. It was not longer a proper presumption that one came from the home world of a species, more especially so if wars were involved.

"Are you from Bajor, Lieutenant?" Lantz asked. "I've not had the pleasure of a visit there, myself."

Alora nodded, "Born and bred in the caves of Bajor Prime..." She said with a smile, "I had forgotten how much I missed it until I'd gone back for furlong between assignments. Yourself?" She asked curiously, hoping she wasn't keeping the owner from other work.

"Oh, mostly I matured on Earth," she said, choosing not to bring up the destruction of her people and homeworld. "There are places there that call to me still." And places on El Auria, too, but there was no going home for her.

"I'm glad you had a chance to connect to your roots. It's very important to remember who we are, from time to time. Why don't I have a nice piece of George Washington Cherry Pie sent over, compliments of the house. You can acquire a longing for an Earth dessert, at least," she laughed.

Alora smiled back, "Thank you and pleasure to meet you meet you. If you ever want to go to Bajor, I can promise the best guides and places to stay. My grandmother would love to chance to fatten up others. She's convinced the universe is full of too skinny people who need her help," she promised.


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