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Orion Connection Pt. 2

Posted on Mon 13th Nov, 2017 @ 1:45am by

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Unknown

Leah groaned as conscious returned to her. She blinked several times to clear her vision. The last thing she remembered was being in the office at Disney Interstellar HQ with Tomar. The ground was cold, hard and metallic as the ceiling lights came into focus. It took a moment for her vision to clear as she soon realized she was in a small cell. The four walls were transparent and glowed with a soft red light. 'Energy fields,' she concluded. Outside the cell was a sight chilled her as she noticed people of various species similarly confined. She then realized there was a metallic collar fastened around her neck. She tugged at it, yet it seemed to be fastened securely.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said an emerging figure from the doorway as it opened. Leah stopped as she soon recognized the person as her once trusted bodyguard, Tomar. "That's a Orion Pain Collar. Remove it and it'll explode."

"Why did you do this? I trusted you!" she exclaimed angrily at being betrayed by her long time friend.

"Because before I worked for you, I was with the Syndicate. They never had a reason to interfere with Disney Inc before you cost them a very lucrative investment with the Emorites and Caliburnites with your charity in order to seal a deal with them," Tomar explained. "Besides, working for the Syndicate is far more rewarding than working for Disney. Such as this ship that you are a guest on."

"So what now?" Leah asked, standing.

"Now I take you someplace to sell you," Tomar responded casually. "I'm sure there are many who would pay very handsomely for Disney Inc. CEO--a very beautiful one at that."

"I won't be anyone's slave!" Leah replied, angrily, approaching the field closest to Tomar.

"Oh, but the choice isn't yours," he replied, tapping a button located on a forearm guard on his left forearm.

Pain racked throughout Leah's body as the holding area filled with her screams. Leah fell to her knees--the pain was excruciating and soon stopped.

"That was only the low setting," Tomar explained. "I would suggest you behave--at least while you're aboard."

"You're a bastard," she said, gasping for breath, remaining on her knees.

"That may be, but I will soon be a rich bastard," Tomar said with a chuckle before turning and exiting the holding area.

Leah curled her legs up in front of her, wrapping her arms around them and buried her face. Her body ached, it was likely that no one knew where she was or even if she was missing. She knew that Disney rarely--if at all negotiated with pirates. She would in all likelihood be some creep's slave. The thought terrified her. She took slow, deep breaths in an attempt to keep calm.

"Don't let them see you break," came a deep voice several feet to her right.

She raised her head to look at who had spoken to her, when she noticed a large man with well-defined muscles, shoulder-length black hair and bronze skin. His black long sleeve shirt and grey pants were torn in several places with some fresh-looking scars that had been crudely healed under the tears. He similarly wore a pain collar and in addition his wrists and ankles were in sturdy-looking shackles.

At not receiving a response, the man continued. "Do not give them the satisfaction of seeing you break," he repeated. "May I ask your name?"

"Leah Jamison," she said softly after a moment. "Looks like you've had a rough time."

The man looked at his his healed wounds and then back at Leah and chuckled. "Yes, you can say that. I killed three guards with my bare hands when they tried to take me.

"Who are you?" Leah questioned.

"I am Varr'dak of the Chaan Clan," he said with a slight bow of his head.

Leah knew that clan was native to Capella Four. "So, you're a Capellan?" she asked in renewed curiosity. Capellans were well known warriors who despised technology. They were said to be very strong and have great endurance but usually never allowed themselves to be captured.

"What happened? Did they kidnap you off of Capella Four?" Leah asked.

"No. I wanted to leave my home on Capella Four, so I became a security crewman on a freighter. The freighter was attacked...and here I am, along with the surviving crew of the freighter," Varr'dak explained.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "Do you think there's a way out of here?"

Varr'dak shook his head. "I do not see how."

A elderly man with graying straggly hair and beard stood from another corner and approached the two as his feet shuffled along the deck. He wore a orange jumpsuit with a pain collar around his neck but moved about freely. "You are the Leah Jamison of Disney Inc.?" he asked.

"Yeah...or at least I was. It won't take Disney long to replace me once they find out I'm missing," she replied.

"I worked for Disney Inc. as an engineer for several years before you personally allowed me to take command of my own freighter when no one else would. I was the captain of the freighter S.S. Drake," the man explained.

Leah knew that name. "The Drake? That ship was destroyed over a year ago...have you been here all this time...Mister Jake Cordell, was it?"

The man smiled at Leah remembering him. "You do my heart good that you remember me."

"We thought everyone perished along with the destruction of the ship," Leah said, standing.

"Most of the crew were. Tomar thought he could sell me to the black market but when nobody wanted an old man, he kept me aboard the ship and made me an engineer...and janitor. That is how I can move about the ship rather freely. Everyone seems to think I'm just an old, feeble man," Jake explained.

"Can you do anything to get me out of here?" Leah asked.

Jake was quiet. "Perhaps...but it will take time. The ship has many security defenses."

The door to the holding cell opened. "Old man!" yelled a Orion guard, holding a disruptor rifle and taking a step inside the holding area. "Replicator Four is down again! Fix it or I'll skin your your pathetic hide!"

"Coming, coming," he said after winking at Leah. He turned and shuffled as fast as he could out of the holding area.

Varr'dak looked at Leah.. "Do you think he can help us?"

Leah shrugged. She knew jake had been a brilliant engineer but she worried about his age. "I don't know but right now, he's all we got."

To Be Continued....


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Mon 4th Dec, 2017 @ 9:27pm

What an incredible side story to be running! Amazing!