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End of Enigma

Posted on Sat 10th Mar, 2018 @ 5:38pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

648 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Physics Lab 4
Timeline: current

It had been weeks since Jasmine and Maynard had discovered the object they were exploring was actually a sentient nanite originally part of a large collective of nanites that covered the surface of an obscure planet. It was on this planet centuries ago, that 'the collective' were introduced to their first humanoid species and after a large struggle, assimilated their first host.

Maynard hadn't been in the lab for some time and Jasmine had been continuing her study into the pair of small objects safely encased in stasis foam under a level 1 protective field. She'd hit several roadblocks and had become obsessed with her inquiries over the last couple of days forgetting even to go home. She didn't even realize that someone had entered her office and jumped a bit when Adam spoke.

"I figured I might find you here." He smiled and raised his hands revealing a small bouquet of flowers and a picnic lunch for their dinner. "I was hoping you didn't find another man." He teased her.

"Oh Adam, I'm so sorry. I've been working on this puzzle for weeks now and I'm so close." She smiled. "I guess I lost track of time a little."

Adam laughed. "A little? Jasmine, you've been off shift for seven hours. You've worked almost through another whole shift." He looked around. "What could possibly have you so obsessed?" He looked around the room and found what had caught his fiancees attention. There, in the small encasement on the console, safely behind two shields, was a small circular object that appeared to be made of metal. There were two nearly invisible wires protruding from either side. Adam took a closer look.

"Is this what's caught your fancy?" He asked.

"Don't touch it. It's behind a double force shield." Jasmine warned. "I wanted to be sure it was secure."

"Wow, what is it?" Adam looked at the object again. "Doesn't look like Fort Knox" He teased.

Jasmine waved her hand. "Noo, it's just something that Thomas Maynard and I have been investigating for the last few weeks." She explained. "We believe it's an actual Borg Nanite." She said it with such enthusiasm that Adam thought he misheard her.

"Wait...a what?!" he asked stunned.

"A Borg nanite. But don't worry. I have it behind two shields with rotating frequencies. It hasn't been modified by the collective yet so it's almost inert." She could see the anger in Adam's eyes as he shook his head.

"Don't worry?" He looked at her. "You're locked in this room with BORG Nanites! Anything could happen."

"Please don't be angry. I was going to destroy them when I was finished with my research."

"Well, here. Let me give you a hand." Adam said as he literally picked Jasmine up and moved her out of the way. He stepped up to the console and typed in a command. "Computer, incinerate the object in the shield, authorization Kellar3247Bravo."

"Adam, NO!" But it was too late. The nanites were destroyed. Jasmine closed her eyes as she saw her project smolder in front of her.

"I'm sorry Jazz, but I have to think of the station's safety and yours."

"There was no danger." She shook her head.

"There's always a danger with the Borg are involved and so is our child." Adam sighed. "I don't want to fight with you Jasmine. I love you. You know that. I'm sorry I jumped to this but I'd do anything to keep you and our baby safe."

Jasmine knew that she couldn't resist his charms and there was no way she could be angry that he jumped to protect her and their baby. She smiled and moved in to hug him. "I know and I love you for that. I guess the Borg were right...resistance is futile."


Lt Adam Kellar
Intel/Infiltration Specialist

Lt Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 11th Mar, 2018 @ 9:58pm

Aw! I was so looking forward to finding out more about this.

By on Fri 16th Mar, 2018 @ 2:54am

Good closing line - I like that!