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The Mysterious Metallic Object

Posted on Sun 12th Nov, 2017 @ 2:17am by Lieutenant Thomas Maynard & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

836 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office

Jasmine paced excitedly in her office. She checked her chronometer again as she paced. She was anxious to find out if Lieutenant Maynard had found his object. She was excited to see if they were the same. She wanted to run the same analysis on the object and see if they were identical. Her theory was they were identical except for the markings on the casing. She hoped this thought was correct. It would make for some exciting studies.

This time Thomas made his way to Lt. Collin's office. He had found the strange object after a good hour of searching his quarters. He was tempted to give up, but he did tell Jasmine that he would find it and bring it. He chimed when he reached her office.

Jasmine had paused only a second or two to ponder how she would begin with the analysis when the door chimed and she jumped just a little as it startled her which caused Oscar to let out a quick yap. Shaking herself back to the present, she grinned. "Hush Oscar." She quickly moved to answer the chime.

"Come in." She smiled at the man as the door slid open and revealed Thomas Maynard. "Lieutenant, I was hoping it was you. Did you find it?" It was obvious she was anxious to get started.

"I did indeed," He held his hand open, revealing the object, passing it over to Jasmine, watching her reaction closely.

Taking the object into her hand, Jasmine tried not to look too excited. She rolled it between her fingers, examined the markings, felt for its weight. "Yes, yes, yes, I do believe they are the same. The markings are unique but yet similar." She opened a drawer and took out her small pellet. Each was identical is size measuring 3.12 centimeters in length and 5.6 mms in diameter. "This can't be a coincidence." She was grinning.

"Too close to be a coincidence?" Thomas asked.

"From what I can tell, they are identical." Jasmine was more excited. "Do you mind if I have the computer do a complete analysis?"

"No no do what you need to do, I'm just as curious," Thomas said politely.

Jasmine set the 'pellet' on the stand and ordered the computer to do a molecular scan. It took about fifteen minutes but the results were astounding.

"The object is made of three elements, silver, silicon and an unknown metallic. It has an atomic weight of 345.67 and a density of 246.34. The object contains one hundred and twenty-seven trillion micro circuits involved. Seven hundred million of them are organic. The object is in an inert state."

Jasmine looked up at Maynard. "They are identical," She paged through her notes. "Here, look. The exact same numbers."

"How does that work when they have different markings?" He questioned as he looked, baffled by the objects.

"Kind of like fingerprints are different even on identical twins.." She shrugged. "At least that's what I'm thinking. "They have the same atomic number, weight, and size. They're made of the same synthetic and organic circuits." She held the two of them up one in each hand. Suddenly, the two were pulled together like magnets right from her hands. "What the?!"

The object that fell to the floor was no longer merely the sum of the two. It was now a complex sphere with four wire-like appendages.

"Oh. That's not good," Thomas bluntly said, not quite going near to the sphere. "Is that safe?"

"Computer can you contain the object on the floor?" Jasmine asked keeping the panic from her voice. She was scared but she was also extremely curious as to what had happened. Almost immediately a beam came down over the object.

"The object is behind a shield. It cannot penetrate the barrier." The computer stated in its normal tinny voice.

Thomas moved towards the object and bent down and examined it from outside the barrier. "What would you say that is? Seen anything like it?"

"No, never." Jasmine had backed away from the object. "I have no idea what this could be." After a few seconds, she drew closer to the object to see better. The object resembled a spider of sorts.

"Have you got the see if it has changed elements and weight and all those other bits?" Thomas suggested.

"Not since this. No." She shook her head still a bit alarmed. "Computer run a quick scan of the object behind the shield. Scan for organics, atomic weight, and elemental composition." She ordered.

"Scan complete." The computer was quick to respond. Suddenly the lab's alarm went off and a level one shield was placed over the object.

"Computer what's the alarm for?" Jasmine gathered her wits and went into science mode. She looked at Thomas. "I have no idea what's going on with this."

"This is so strange," He said, still observing the object. The computer's voice followed, "Borg nanites have been detected."

"Borg Nanites?!" Jasmine backed away from the field that surrounded the object.



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Comments (2)

By on Sun 12th Nov, 2017 @ 5:34am

Oh, way cool! Love this development!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 12th Nov, 2017 @ 10:35pm

"Looks like a zygote to me," says Lanis, backing away.