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Final Preparations

Posted on Sun 12th Nov, 2017 @ 4:20am by

627 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Sickbay, Deck 4

After a morning spent rounding up stray leaves and urchins to dump them in Chlamydia's yard, Ischemia had been enticed into a printing shop. That such an antique art would be found on a modern starbase, even in Tivoli Gardens, was quite unusual enough to bring her inside the doors. Now she was glad she'd gone in, and she hurried to Sickbay to show her sister what she'd done.

Bursting through the doors, she glanced around for Chlamydia. Not finding her, she addressed a nearby medic, "Is my sister, Dr. Addams, about?"

Tempted to ask About what? the man bit his tongue. "I believe she's in her office," and he nodded in the right direction.

"Thanks," she threw over her shoulder, rushing toward the office door and barging in without a knock. "Chlamydia, you'll never guess what I found?"

"The Lost Eye of Mytile?" Chlamydia ventured to guess, even though her sister had just told her she wouldn't succeed. "Or... no, wait... Mytile herself?"

Ischemia stopped in her rush. "Oh is Mytile missing? But no, nevermind. Look, this is much more exciting. For me, anyway, maybe not for Mytile," she laughed, almost maniacally. "Just look!"

She handed her sister a thick piece of paper. "There's a printing shop in the promenade. Can you imagine? He printed up two dozen of these for me. Don't you just love the black houses silhouetted against the orange flames? Not that we're burning down our house, of course ... your house, that is. Read it, read it!"

"If you're going to burn down the house, wait 'til the party's over," Chlamydia said, dryly. She accepted one of the flyers, and read through it. "Very nice," she said, setting it down on her desk, where Thing came over to inspect it, as well.

"I had two dozen printed. Did I say that already? Anyway, do you think that's enough? He can print more if we want them. And that song, the one you're quoting? Reminds me, have you arranged for all the appropriate music already? Because I heard that the small combo at Orchids & Jazz sometimes does other jobs." Ischemia frowned a moment, but her brow cleared almost instantly. "Well, I'm sure they can play something besides jazz, if we ask nicely. If we need them, that is. Do we need them?"

Chlamydia tilted her head slightly, considering. "I had intended to simply have quiet music playing," she answered. "Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, perhaps. Or the Mozart / Süssmayr requiem. Something. But if you think live music better, by all means, see if they have suitably macabre pieces they can perform for us."

"Hmm, you have a point. Jazz is pretty upbeat, so they may not have a macabre repertoire. Alright, no more suggestions, then. I'll be off home to address invitations and have them delivered. Do you suppose one of the cartage services would mind terribly having someone dress as skeletons for the deliveries?" Ischemia frowned only momentarily. "Oh, pay them enough and they'll do anything, right? Children will be delivering leaves all afternoon tomorrow. I think we're set - except for the eyeballs. I'll mix up a batch this evening. Oh," she tossed over her shoulder as she exited, "by the way, I bought pets today." And she was gone.

"Or..." Chlamydia started, but her sister was already out of hearing range. She looked at the hand on her desk, and shrugged. "Apologies, Thing. I tried to get you the task." Thing made a dusting off motion with its fingers, and Chlamydia shrugged again. "I can't recall the last time I saw her so... enthusiastic... about anything," she said, thoughtfully. "If I had known printing would do that, I'd've purchased her a press years ago."


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