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The Theater, the Theater

Posted on Thu 7th Sep, 2017 @ 11:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,850 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD 04 1350

Slowing his pace, Andrew glanced up at his destination and felt an uneasy and unexpected feeling of anxiousness come over him. Initiating any sort of social interaction, beyond the usual pleasantries of a normal shift, almost always made Andrew uncomfortable. Yet, for reasons he couldn't quite explain to himself, he kept walking towards the famous Orchids and Jazz establishment to do just that.

Figuring it was best just not to overthink things and keep it simple, Andrew straightened his uniform and made his way to the doorman at the entrance. Roughly the same build as Andrew, the man rose from his seat to greet him.

"Good afternoon," Andrew began, "I was hoping you could point me in the direction of Serena Alia?"

"She's - " Reon began, but didn't get far.

As Andrew glanced around the dining area, he saw Serena's back towards him, talking to another Orchids and Jazz staff member.

Waving his hand and entering Andrew smiled, "Never mind."

Crossing the room, he saw a few tables occupied by various personnel, civilian and Starfleet, but not by any means was it a full house. He was hoping to catch the business at a down time during the day, and it looked like at least got his timing right.

Realizing the woman was still talking to the employee, Andrew stopped his walk a distance away from the two to let their conversation end. Trying not to look completely awkward, he glanced around the area taking in the interior and the layout.

Serena finished her conversation with Jenna and gave her a pat on the arm, then turned to Andrew with a smile. "Hey! It's my fellow tetraball fan. Did you come to have lunch with us today, Andrew?" She figured that was more likely than that he came to see her.

Trying to be friendly and calm simultaneously, Andrew returned the smile and instinctively straightened his uniform once more before stepping forward, "Well, as much as I'm sure your cuisine is excellent, I actually already ate on the run during my shift."

Hesitating to look at the woman's face, he realized that she knew exactly where this conversation was going. To her credit, her face remained neutral and she remained quiet as he finished his proposal, "Actually, I was able to get a few free hours this afternoon, and I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me in Unity Week's Film Exhibition. I thought you may be interested in some of the holographic works that are available. That is, if you're willing to put up with more of my company."

Serena's mind was blank for a moment. It had been a long time since someone had asked her to do something just for fun. "Let me check the schedule," she finally said, looking around the restaurant. "The rust for Alpha shift lunch is over, maybe I can work it out." She smiled slightly before turning away. "I'll be right back."

In all honesty, she probably didn't need to check the schedule, even if it were the middle of the busiest time. Her job wasn't on the restaurant floor, and Orchids & Jazz could muddle along without her for a while. Being general manager had its perks. What she needed was a minute to get over the surprise, and think about whether this was something she wanted to start. Always hard to judge the end from the beginning.

After no more than 3 minutes in her office, where she did actually glance at the schedule to keep from being a liar, she returned to find Andrew sitting on one of the tall padded seats at the empty bar. "I don't see any problems, so let's check out the film festival! I know there are both holographic and actual reproduction films, but I haven't seen any titles. Have you looked at those?"

Turning and rising from his seat smiling, Andrew couldn't help but give an audible, relaxing sigh, "Glad to hear it. I was starting to think I was a little too forward."

As they left the restaurant walking side by side, he handed over a PADD, "Well, see the titles for yourself. Let me know if anything catches your eye. You pretty much have your pick of any genre. I'm actually partial to the couple Earth historical holographic films documenting some of the earliest conflicts. I don't know about you, but there's something about our past that fascinates me."

Thinking again that he was being a little too forward, Andrew calmed his voice, "That's only a suggestion, though. I know it's a bit of an odd way to spend an afternoon. Does anything on that list pique your interest?"

Scrolling down the list, Serena saw everything from Klingon opera to steamy Risan romances. Neither of those appealed to her, nor did many of the works representing non-Earth human species.

"I could stand some history," she said. "How about one of your documentaries, and this 20th century spy one, Three Days of the Condor. You don't know this about me, but I took a minor in theater at college. That's a story I heard about and never got to see. It's supposed to be the best performance ever by the leading actor ... Robert something."

Andrew smiled, "Redford. Nice choice. I'd argue some aspects of that movie still hold up today. Besides, how can you not like a classic spy and mystery movie?"

As they approached the holoworks exhibit, Andrew continued, "A theater minor huh? Would have never guessed. Did you just examine the many aspects or did you do a little acting yourself?"

"Not really. A bit here and there, but I mostly stayed on the direction side of things. The actress in the family is my twin sister. For me it was just a lark. One has to have a minor in something and my schedule was already pretty math intensive, so I went with something I thought would be fun. Stormy did it just to have one common place we could work together." Serena turned a little pensive momentarily. "But she was bitten hard by the bug, and now we don't see each other often at all."

As they entered the theater complex, she twined her arm around his at the elbow, and threw off the quiet mood. "But enough about me," she said. "What did you study? No, no, let me guess. Spycraft? Brig 101? Oh, wait, you went to the Academy, so it must have been ... How to Strike Fear Into the Heart of an Enemy While Maintaining the No-Interference Directive?" She smiled to show she was teasing him.

Caught slightly off guard, by both trying to respond on her initial comment and by her arm around his, Andrew slowed his pace a little as they looked for seats, "You could say all the above. You know how much Starfleet preaches instilling fear into species right?" smiling in jest back at her as he continued, "In seriousness though, I did focus on strategic and tactical classes since, and I'm not sure if you know this, but I am Chief Tactical and Strategic Officer."

Andrew meant it as joke, but felt that it came off a little as bragging, "It may sound like a big deal, but that's just because the title is long. Don't let it fool you," pausing thinking longer about his time at the Academy, "At that point, I just needed some order and routine in my life so that seemed like the sensible thing to do. Turns out I wasn't half bad at it. Although some people back home saw it a little differently."

Motioning to two empty seats about halfway up the theater, Andrew let out a small sigh, "And let's say I can empathize with not seeing people as much as I would like," quickly transitioning and smiling again, "But despite all the hardcore, fearless tough classes like Spycraft as you mentioned, I did find time to appreciate some history," turning to face her as they sat down, "So I can't say it was all bad. I hope you'll be as entertained with this as you are with tetraball."

"I'm sure to enjoy both in good company," Serena said, settling into her seat, slightly facing Andrew. She wondered why he had needed order and routine at that time in his life, but she didn't ask. If they got to know each other well enough, she eventually find out.

"And actually, someone did mention I needed to mind my manners around you if I didn't want to wind up with a criminal record," she teased again. It was just so easy to tease him. "I can't recall that they said you were the department head, though. That really is impressive. Not many lieutenants achieve that status."

She was completely sincere. This was not any tactical or strategic operations office. It was on a large Celestial class starbase. "I suppose your parents are very proud of you?"

Andrew straightened in his chair and felt his body stiffen involuntarily at the question. There was a moment of what he considered awkward silence between them as his mind attempted to provide a response. There were so few things that legitimately threw him off guard, but naturally she hit the mark with her question, unbeknownst to her.

Trying his best to not put a damper on the mood, Andrew turned back to her and gave as sincere a smile as he could, "I'd like to think so."

Realizing he didn't want to go into his family, for some reason, Serena just smiled and looked around the theater, and waited to see where Andrew would take the conversation next. She noted that there was quite a good turnout for the middle of the day.

Although he assumed the vagueness and terseness of his response would cause more questions down the road, should whatever road this was continue, Andrew thought it was for the best. Whether it actually was or wasn't, he really couldn't say.

After another few moments, although to him felt like an eternity, Andrew returned to her previous comment, hoping to get back to the friendly banter, "As for the criminal record, I'd be more worried with Lt. Jekkar, Starbase Security. However, that doesn't mean I don't pay attention when I see or hear some suspicious activity," finishing with a more genuine smile, "so don't get any ideas."

Serena laughed, "No criminal activities with me. Miss Lantz would be so disappointed if any of us stepped outside the lines. We are all rescue investments." The lights dimmed at that moment, keeping her from having to divulge more than she had intended. She whispered, "Sure, just when things are getting interesting!"

Andrew glanced slightly at her at the last comment. He made a mental note of it but that was all. As the first moments of the film began, Andrew relaxed in his chair to a more comfortable position, whispering, "Well, I guess we'll have to continue this another time then. For now, prepare to be entertained by a classic."


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