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Art Appreciation

Posted on Thu 7th Sep, 2017 @ 6:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard

1,378 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Art Exhibit
Timeline: MD 04

As Andrew and Lt. Maynard made there way to the Art Exhibit's main doorway, Andrew noticed the Lieutenant reach down at his side.

Thomas turned to walk towards the entrance, "Ahhhh first rule, always have a drink whilst going around these things," He pulled his hip flask out and took a sip. He offered it to Eberstark.

Raising an eyebrow, taken aback at the sudden and cavalier appearance of the flask for a moment, Andrew asked, "Is that the real stuff?"

"Well it isn't soda! Of course, finest whiskey you'll ever get. Fresh from a bottle and very many years old," Thomas said, still gesturing the flask towards Andrew whilst walking alongside him.

Thinking for only one more brief moment just to confirm with himself that he was off duty, Andrew reached for the flask, "You're speaking my language, Lieutenant," taking a sip and handing it back to the man, Andrew nodded in satisfaction, "Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. We'll see if that'll help me appreciate this art more."

"Plenty more where that came from," Thomas replied. They walked into the exhibit and continued to talk.

Gesturing towards one of the pieces, what he could only make out as a handful of vibrant colors separated by what appeared to be random dark lines that vaguely resembled a larger image throughout the canvas, Andrew asked, "Care to explain that one to me?"

"No," Maynard joked. "When I said I would teach you lessons in art, I meant my own lessons. Most of them look like cruddy mess ! This one just looks as if the artist just chucked different color paints on it and drew lines to separate each of them. I could do better." He paused. "Plus, I always ask myself if I would want that in my office and that piece...I would not have anywhere near it!"

Holding in a good laugh, Andrew smiled and nodded his head, "Now that is the kind of analysis I'm looking for. I thought I would be the only one with that mentality."

"This piece however," He moved over to a painting that showed a blue sphere with protruding glowing rings with a space like background. "Would look great in the office!"

Walking along side, Andrew folded his arms as he took in the picture, "I'll admit I like this one better than the first one. Is it worth of being the first piece of art I put in my office since...forever? That's a tough one. But I guess you have to start somewhere right?"

Seeing how the man still looked at the painting, Andrew half-joked, "Trying to take that one home with you?"

"Do you think we could get away with stealing it?" He raised an eyebrow and a half smile, half joking, half being fully serious.

Raising one eyebrow, "Well I'm sure between the two of us, we could think of something," Andrew responded, "Although we would have to worry about a certain Andorian tracking us down," he continued, referring to the Station's Chief of Security.

"I'm not sure if the risk/reward factor here would be worth it. What about you? Although it would be one hell of a laugh I must admit," Andrew smiled finishing his thought, still not sure just how much of this conversation the Lieutenant was joking about.

"Ahhh yes Solan, I wasn't sure what to make of him to be honest," Thomas smiled towards Andrew. "A laugh indeed, and a nice treasure for the office. I think we could get away with it." He glanced around at a nearby couple, the only other people present in the room.

Andrew shrugged, "He's pretty much what you'd expect. Diligent at his job. And observant," pausing, "And don't get me wrong, I'm not selling ourselves short with our talents for subterfuge. I'm think it'd be an interesting story explaining to him just how the very painting that mysteriously disappeared wound up hanging in your office, don't you?"

"Good point. Although I doubt I will invite Solan over anytime soon. Even for Cello practice," Thomas quipped.

Raising an eyebrow, Andrew replied, "I'm not sure I would either. Then again, I wouldn't have pegged you for cellist, so for all we know, he loves to play."

Thomas laughed, "I think he loves it, he was keen at the concert the other evening. Mind you, I played the violin there to."

"Well, well, Lieutenant. Art and music," Andrew half joked, "I didn't realize our Chief Intelligence Officer was so cultured," continuing walking as he accepted another sip of drink from the man, "I heard it was a good concert, so I suppose congratulations are in order. My apologies for not attending."

Realizing just now he still had a PADD in one hand, Andrew raised it up smiling, "But on that evening, duty called. Someone has to get this department in order after all. Will you be performing in the near future?"

"Cultured is one word for it I must say. Ahh no worries, when you perform you don't notice who is actually in the audience. Well...I don't anyhow! How are you doing with your department? And I don't have any plans to but you never know what will come up!"

Andrew took in a couple other exhibits as they walk past before answering, "I say take credit where credit is due, Lieutenant. And my department is... coming along. Still work to do to be sure. But I suppose you could ask me that a year from now and I would say the same thing. There's always room for improvement, but I'm impressed with how well my staff has taken to the transition and helped set up all of this."

Taking a quick glance around to see if anyone of his staff was actually within earshot, Andrew softened his voice, "Don't tell them i said that, though. What about you," Andrew asked quickly transitioning, "How are things on Vanguard on your end?"

Thomas laughed, "I won't tell. My team are really good actually. When I got there it was being run by Lt. Kiralbi who ensured the team had a leader throughout my absence so when I finally got there the transition was really smooth. Apart from that, yeah it's all fun I guess." He paused, about to say something else but silence fell.

Noticing the abrupt end, Andrew hesitated on inquiring or just letting it pass. Turning to look at another abstract painting, he decided to go the latter route, not knowing the Lieutenant well enough to pry, "I wish I could say the same thing. The transition has been anything but smooth. But, hey, that's what makes it fun right?"

As they approached what appeared to be the last few exhibits, Andrew stopped at the painting that caught his eye previously. The vagueness of the landscape caught Andrew's eye for some reason. From what he could interpret, it was two relatively small moons casting their reflections on a vast, tranquil lake or river. The seemingly peaceful painting struck Andrew more than he would have thought. Nodding towards the man to take a quick look, "I think they saved the best for last. What do you think?"

"Now this is a beauty, definitely worth stealing this one compared to that other one," Maynard chuckled out loud, turning a few heads in the process.

All Andrew could do was smile and nod in agreement while glancing around to see how many of the people in the exhibit took the comment a little more seriously than he.

"Well I think that's the last of it," Andrew spoke, nearing the exit back onto the deck, "I guess we should head over for that drink right?" turning back to motion at the last painting giving a wry smile, "Unless, you were actually serious about that artwork. We can wait until it closes down and make our move."

"As serious as I want, your point about Jekkar is very true and I wouldn't want him on my case! Plus drinks always sound better!" Thomas replied.

Andrew laughed, "I guess you're right. That wouldn't look good for either of us," motioning for the man to take the lead, "Well then, something tells me you know the quickest way, so after you!"


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