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Sharing the News

Posted on Tue 22nd Aug, 2017 @ 12:57am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Sun 27th Aug, 2017 @ 12:59am

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Cosmic Creatures/Collins Quarters


Adam had promised to head into 'Cosmic Creatures' first thing and let Wyatt and Maia know what was going on. Maia had helped Adam choose the dress he bought for Jasmine and the flowers he gave her. Having been a bit of a womanizer not very long ago, Adam wanted to be sure to add the right romantic touch to the evening and he knew that Maia would be the perfect point of view. Now he wanted to let her and his brother know his news. Jasmine was at his side as they entered the shop.

The first thing that caught Adam's attention was the large Baobab tree in the center of the store. Oh, it had been there before and housed several creatures from all parts of the galaxy. Today, however, he saw the young woman he was looking for was hanging upside down with a small bottle of orange liquid which she was attempting to feed to two small tufts of fur. He couldn't help but laugh.

"You know Tribbles are illegal aboard all Federation stations and ships don't you?" He asked.

"Adam!" Maia was quick to jump from the tree. Young and full of spirit, Maia had always been energetic and agile. She was able to swing her legs around and flip off the branch still landing on her feet. She jumped over and hugged the man. "Good morning and they aren't Tribbles." She pointed to a blue fluff that was hanging by a prehensile tail. "See! Tails." She grinned. "We got a whole litter of them off a Ferengi trader two nights ago. They're Polyfluffs."

"Awful young to be without a mom," Jasmine noted once she saw the tails.

"Yeah, we took the whole litter from them because they would have died with the Ferengi. They saw a profit and that was it." She shook her head. But that's not why you're here is it?" She grinned again.

Wyatt came from the back of the shop with a smile. "Adam, Jasmine! Hey, good to see you."

"Hey, Wyatt." Adam shook his brother's hand.

"What brings you down here?" Wyatt had been cleaning cages and wiped his hands off on his trousers before accepting his brother's hand.

Jasmine was blushing as she held her hand up to Maia. "We wanted to talk about what happened last night and fill the family in on all the news."

Maia caught sight of the ring right off and gleefully took Jasmine's hand to examine it closer. "Congratulations." The rose colored ring on Jasmine's finger made Maia ooh and ah even more.

"Wow, Adam Keller getting married." Wyatt teased as he took his brother's hand again to congratulate him. "Will wonders never cease?"

"The wonder will be when you and Maia finally decide to settle down. But you're right..Jax and I couldn't be happier or more blessed. It's a wonder."

Wyatt walked away and came back with a bottle of Romulan Ale in hand and four glasses. "This we need to celebrate." He poured the blue liquid into four small glasses. He handed one to each of them and held up his glass. "To my brother and to the woman that finally won his heart." He downed the liquid in his glass and watched as Adam and Maia did the same. But whe Jasmine handed her glass to Adam, he grinned.

"My my my...Is this a shotgun wedding?" He asked his brother. Maia had caught on as well.

"Jasmine, are you expecting?" She asked.

"Well," She shrugged. "We weren't going to say anything for a couple more weeks but since you guessed it...Yes. I'm about 14 weeks along."

There was more hugging and then another round of Romulan Ale for everyone but Jasmine.


Lt. Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer

Lt Adam Keller
Intel Officer [NPC'd by Lil]


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 27th Aug, 2017 @ 1:02am

More like laser rifle. LOL Nice to have a happy post like this! Love the Polyfluffs. One of my characters might want one!