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The Eighth Excitement

Posted on Tue 1st Aug, 2017 @ 12:13am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Tetraball Court Stadium, Deck 1551
Timeline: MD 03, nearing midnight

"I think they should have allowed one more day for these games, don't you?" Serena asked Andrew. They were now on a first name basis, after sitting through 7-1/2 games. "I don't know why they didn't ask us how to do things," she joked.

Andrew raised an eyebrow at the comment, not sure if it was a joke made at his expense or just a general opinion, "Well, maybe it was a bit difficult to fit all the events in during this Unity Week and I would assume they did the best they could with the schedule," shrugging and giving a smile, "Or maybe they should ask for general suggestions. What do they know?"

"Ha, not much! But this last match has been a good one. I'm surprised the Talaxians are managing to keep it mostly even. The last few minutes of the half should be exciting since the score can change in a nanosecond." Serena's eyes were watching the play, though it was mostly defensive right now. At any moment, someone could make a break for a square. In fact, they'd have to with the time limitations on ball holding. Her eye was caught by one of the Talaxian players. "Oh, look at number 13! I think he's going to make a break for it as soon as he gets the ball!"

Looking at the action, Andrew responded, "Well, I'll be sure to pass along your complaints to the proper individuals."

As he finished, number 13 started to drive through the center of the lines, bringing the crowd to its feet. As multiple players from Team Krios closed in to surround the Talaxian, half their size, he swiftly bounced the ball between two of them to seemingly empty space. In a flash, another Talaxian came from the side to grab the ball in mid-air, before a Krisian could get their hands on it. In what seemed like an instant, the Talaxians took 7 spaces before the Krisians could regain their defensive positions.

As the crowd roared, Andrew kept a close eye on what he expected would be a quick counter attack, "Well, that certainly was impressive. They may be undersized and the weaker team, but they do know how to exploit their opponent's weakness."

As the Krisians began to force the issue, trying to regain the momentum, Andrew nudged Serena, "Let's see if they actually play this smart or go on an all out attack."

"Half of them are Klingons. They only know one way to go," Serena laughed. The ball bounced to a Kriosian who was taller than the Talaxians, but shorter than the Klingons. He barely got his hands on it before passing it swiftly to another team mate who decided to bounce it to one of the Klingon players. Almost faster than the eye could see, it was intercepted by a Talaxian who dove into a roll to get to an unclaimed square and 125 more points.

The crowd roared again as the score hit 5975 for Talax and 5725 for Krios. The ball was turned over to the Kriosian team, and since there were no timeouts, they had to think on their feet with only four minutes to regain the lead and drive to the winning score of 6,385. Either team could still win.

Surprisingly, the Kriosian team methodically moved the ball around the grid, seemingly waiting for their chance. The crowd seemed to notice along with them, as Andrew heard murmurs begin to circulate with anticipation.

Turning towards Serena, "Well, I have to say, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see with my own two eyes. It looks like they are actually developing a strategy to attack."

As two minutes passed, the Talaxian team was on the defense, attempting to determine the impending Kriosian attack.

Shrugging, "It's almost like they are letting the clock run down to a certain time--" As he finished his sentence, a Klingon sprinted forward on the left receiving the ball from his teammate, drawing two Talaxians, while the faster Kriosian headed for the center of the Talaxian defense.

The Klingon smoothly received and delivered the pass to the Kriosian in one fluid motion. The Kriosian received the ball in stride and was able to pick apart the rest of the Talaxian defense, picking up enough squares to push his team over the 6,385 goal. A horn sounded throughout the stadium, signaling the end of the match. The Klingons roared, celebrating with their Kriosian teammates, while the Talaxian team consoled each other, walking off the grid.

The crowd almost couldn't be contained as they cheered for minutes after. As the volume around the stadium died down, Andrew took his seat again, "That was one hell of a finish. I didn't think the Klingons could come up with that type of strategy on the spot," shrugging, "Guess it pays to have Kriosian teammates to help doesn't it? The Talaxian team still has a shot at redemption later on I think. I'll be pulling for them for sure. I'll admit I wasn't expecting a close match, but they played very well together don't you think?"

"They did, and I find myself a little disappointed that they didn't pull it off, though they do still have a playoff for one of the last four spots in the Gamma League. Whatever happens to the eight winning teams, they know they have a spot now. I hope that doesn't make them relax. I can't imagine how much more exciting these games could get!" She rose and picked up her trash to leave in a recycler on her way out of the stadium.

"I think I'm actually too wound up to go straight home. I think I'll take a walk around the gardens on Deck 1554 before heading home." She checked the clock on the scoreboard. "It isn't quite midnight. Wanna rehash the game with me?" Andrew's back was to her as they came into the aisle, and she couldn't see his face, so she hoped she wasn't being too forward. It was nice to have a friend who was a sports fanatic and understood the ins and outs of Tetraball, though.

Andrew paused while his back was still towards her, smiling slightly before turning around to answer, "That sounds infinitely better than trying to fall asleep to maintenance schedules and duty roster rotation scheduling."

This time stopping before walking ahead, he motioned with his hand, "Please, this time, you lead the way."


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 13th Aug, 2017 @ 10:56am

What a fantastic read!