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Lessons in sportsmanship

Posted on Tue 4th Jul, 2017 @ 7:11pm by Lieutenant Sianna Dal

482 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Sickbay

Sianna Dal had never believed that there would ever come a time when some parts of the crash course Starfleet insisted on would be of use. The applicability of the decompression procedures, life-support equipment maintenance, zero-gravity mobility ... those had seemed useful, if only out of self-preservation. How to carry an injured crewmember? Less so. And, yet, the universe had a sense of humour. A twisted and arcane one, but a sense of humour nonetheless. That it would be this, of all the endless drills and lessons, which she would need first.

Sianna Dal felt like laughing, but chose not to. Her ribs hurt enough as it was.

Her cargo, a deeply embarrased Tremor M'Raz, didn't help. The extra weight was far from comfortable, but the Caitian officer, laid across Sianna Dal's shoulders like a sack of produce, had at least stopped trying to walk after a corridor spent leaning on the diplomat, features locked in a pained grimace. It was a matter of pride at this point. And maybe a little bit of guilt, as the officer's swelling ankle was very much entirely Sianna's fault ... though she'd never admit. Culpability or guilt.

"You do know I can walk ... it's just a sprained ankle." the cargo insisted on being mouthy.

"This is faster and you're not that heavy.", relatively speaking, of course, the Caitian might have been somewhat wiry, but he wasn't exactly lacking in muscle mass.

"This is revenge for that kick, isn't it?" Sianna's ribs throbbed with the memory.

"Of course not." the Orion adressed her subordinate in her most aristocratic tone of voice, "The revenge would be the sprained ankle. We're even."

"Oh, good." the relief in Tremor M'Raz's voice wasn't entirely sincere ... tinged with humour, "I was worried I'd have to watch my back for a payback attempt."

"Don't. Assassins are expensive." a thoughtful hum, "Although, there is cousin Lea. I could swing a family discount ..."

"That was a joke, right?" some of the humour drained from the aide's tone, "Right?"

"Yes." in a whisper, Sianna added, "I don't actually have to pay Lea."

Fortunately, the difficult task of opening the door to sickbay while trying to carry a full-grown man on her shoulders, and keeping him in place, was solved by the blessings of technology. The doors slid open the moment the diplomat and her cargo approached. The alarmed glance from a medical technician just inside it was probably at the blood covering Sianna's jersey. It wasn't hers, of course. Orions didn't bleed green. There was a matching stain on the sole of her right shoe - the opposing player did need a dermal regenerator treatment, nothing lethal. And the Vulcan, though Sianna was curious how someone convinced a Vulcan to participate, had been rather a good sport about it.

"Two minor injuries." Sianna's smile was as pure as driven snow, "The practice match got a bit rough."


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Comments (2)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 10:00am


"Yes." in a whisper, Sianna added, "I don't actually have to pay Lea."

That made me laugh out loud! Brilliant!

By on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 10:14pm

Oh, yes, that is a good one! Thanks for some humor, Keb. No one does it like you.