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The Wonder of You

Posted on Tue 4th Jul, 2017 @ 10:39pm by
Edited on on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 10:07pm

630 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Quinn's quarters, Deck 175
Timeline: MD 2, late evening

Jin-Kyung sat on her favorite chair, her lap full of black cat to whom she was speaking.

"I wonder why you feel so different, Artemis. I mean, you feel like a soft-furred cat, but there's something about you that seems ... hmm, off somehow."

The cat looked at her with large green eyes, unblinking. Her nose twitched and she stopped purring under Quinn's hand.

"No, no, I don't mean that in a bad way. That's the perfect example, though. I could almost swear you understood what I said and reacted to it!"

Artemis gave a wide yawn and began to purr again.

"Have it your way, but you are nothing like the cats I grew up petting. You looked the same, just a little kitten when you arrived, but something about you is different."

The only response was an ear twitch.

With a sigh, Jin stood up and set the cat on the chair. "I know. You think I'm just a little loony. I guess it's time for devotionals before I sleep." She yawned and stretched, causing her pajama top to rise high enough to expose a little of her rib cage. "Hey, no peeking!" she told the cat, pulling it back down again.

She smiled as she walked toward the small table with a picture of Elvis in his classic young guitar pose. As all worship items were, it was a true reproduction and black and white. "I did have a lovely time at the movies tonight, though. I'll tell you that. Film Noir, indeed!"

She knelt in front of the table, lit a tall candle and pushed the button on her church playback. She settled back on her heels as she listened to the first notes of the song and composed her brain for spiritual thoughts. The music started slowly with a drum and cymbal combination, and then the purity of The Voice came like liquid chocolate, smooth and rich.

=^=When no-one else can understand me,
When everything I do is wrong,
You give me hope and consolation.
You give me strength to carry on,=^=

The music paused automatically for Jin-Kyung's response.

"You are my hope when all others fail.
You understand my sorrow."

The music began again after the short break.

=^=And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do.
That's the wonder,
The wonder of you.=^=

"You are my source of inspiration.
You are the wonder of all life."

=^=And when you smile the world is brighter.
You touch my hand and I'm a king.
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune.
Your love for me is everything.=^=

"When life is dark, you make the sun shine.
Your love leads me forward to the end."

=^=I'll guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me like you do.
That's the wonder,
The wonder of you.=^=

"You are greater than I,
Yet you love me still."

As the music ended, Quinn felt at peace with the universe. She felt the love of The King wrap around her, and released her worries and stress to him. For a few minutes, she sat, not meditating, just being in the moment of peace. Finally, she stood, blew out the candle, and touched her fingers to her lips and then to the picture of Elvis.

"That's the wonder of you. Thank you for a night of peace and rest."

Turning to Artemis, she said, "Well, come on. Don't just sit there blinking at me. Let's go to bed."

The cat got up, did its own stretch, and hopped off the chair. It ambled after her to her bunk, hopping up and settling on the top corner near the wall. As Artemis watched her get comfortable, one might have been forgiven for thinking she was smiling.


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Comments (3)

By on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 9:06am

Sometimes, I am quite surprised at how well Elvis' songs work as devotionals. You always manage to find the perfect one!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 10:02am

Perhaps one of the most unusual but entertaining posts I've read! Only on Vanguard! Ha! Fantastic stuff.

By on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 10:07pm

Thanks, both of you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Jenny, since you founded Presleytarianism, I always feel grateful when you approve of what I do with it.