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Making Things Perfect.

Posted on Mon 3rd Jul, 2017 @ 6:59pm by Lieutenant Adam Keller

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Deck 600, Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 1, mid-afternoon

Adam entered the popular Orchids and Jazz restaurant. He wanted tonight to be without a blemish. Everything had to be perfect and he'd been told over and over that the perfect place for an intimate celebration was Jade's place, Orchids and Jazz. The atmosphere, the ambiance, the food, even the music that lilted in the background had something about it that oozed romance. Three steps in the door and Adam had to agree.

He'd been told to talk to Jade herself so the first thing he did was look for the woman he'd been given a description of. He saw a beautiful woman around 5'6" with long brown hair. She seemed to be giving directions and she walked with a certain grace. Adam knew she was El-Aurian just looking at her. He stood near the doorway until she noticed him.

Excusing herself from her assistant, Jade walked toward the man who seemed to be waiting for something or someone. "Hello, Lieutenant," she greeted him with a smile. "I'm Jade Lantz, owner of Orchids and Jazz. You don't have the look of a man pining away for a meal, so how can I help you?"

"Hi. It's Adam, please." He smiled in return before explaining the reason behind his visit. "I'd like to make a special arrangement for dinner tonight and I was told you'd be the one to help me make things perfect."

"I think I can help with that. Do you have something particular in mind? What's the occasion, if you don't mind my asking. Sometimes it helps to prepare if I know that. It's completely confidential, however," Jade replied. She could see the deep blue with tinges of yellow around the edge of his aura, and that meant love and happiness was involved, in her experience.

Adam smiled. "Well, I want to propose to her, but there are extenuating circumstances that make this a little different. She's carrying my child but she also suffers from sometimes severe panic attacks, and she has a phobia of strangers and crowds," he explained. "I'm looking for something very intimate but with a real romantic ambiance." He smiled again as he met Jade's eyes. "I want to sweep her off her feet without sending her running in panic."

Jade laughed, liking the young man and his obvious tenderness toward the woman in his life. "I think we might be able to do that. Option one is that we set aside a section of the loft with special decorative screens I have for just such a purpose. The space can be as large or small, as open or as secluded, as you like. You can overlook the dance floor, or it can be completely closed off. Why don't you come upstairs with me now, and we'll take a look. This is the simplest way to provide what you ask."

"Of course and thank you." Adam followed the woman up the stairs.

After Jade showed the young man his options, and what she meant by the special decorative screens, she asked, "Will this give you enough privacy, do you think? There is another option, but you will sacrifice hearing the music. I'd prefer to sort of fence off a large area so you can sit and enjoy the private dinner, have a private space for dancing with your sweetheart, and be able to enjoy the music. Or ..." she paused for a minute to make a decision.

"Yes, here's the best idea yet!" Jade said enthusiastically. "I've been planning to redecorate the loft area, and my assistant gave me her ideas just a few days ago. What if we set the screens so that no one below can see any of the balcony, and I put a closed sign on the stairs? You two will have the entire loft, shared only with those serving you, now and then. Music and dancing still possible, but as much privacy as you will find anywhere. Afterward, I can start my changes."

"That would be amazing." Adam smiled. "Miss Lantz, I don't know how to thank you." The loft was absolutely beautiful and Jade's idea of blocking it off for the two of them was perfect. "What can I do to help you? How can I repay you?"

Jade laughed. "My staff will cover everything. You just show up with the lovely woman of your heart, and if she says yes, consider it a wedding present."

"Thank you again." He offered his hand. "I've heard your chef is the best on the station. Would he know how to prepare lamb from Earth?" Adam believed that lamb roast was one of the most succulent and sweet meats he'd ever tasted. He had no idea what else to ask for but he was sure that Jade would do what she felt was the best way for her staff to impress and make his evening perfect. He only had to get Jasmine to say yes.

"She," Jade corrected. "There is nothing Chef Holmes can't prepare, to absolute perfection. She has the best pastry chef in the quadrant, as well. A nice lamb roast, lightly brown on the outside and with a mint jelly on the side, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus spears, the lightest of breads to melt in your mouth ... very old Earth. And ... any special dessert?"

"Hmm, the only thing I know about dessert is that she doesn't care for a lot of chocolate. She likes fruits, pastries, custards..." His smile had a hint of guilt in it. "We're still getting to know one another."

"That's plenty of information," Jade assured him. "I will have the very best of something, and with no chocolate." She put her hand on his lower arm and squeezed slightly. "I appreciate your business, and your trust in Orchids & Jazz. You leave this in my hands, and don't worry. We will do all we can to make this a night to remember, and keep it as private as possible. Shall we say 7:30?"

"Yes, 7:30 is perfect." Adam planned in his head.

"Then we'll be ready for you. Best of luck this evening."


Lt. Adam Kellar
Intel Officer
SB Vanguard


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 5th Jul, 2017 @ 9:56am

Jade is truly a compassionate and genuinely kind person!