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Opening Night: Part 2

Posted on Tue 6th Jun, 2017 @ 1:51pm by
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:19pm

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Casino Royale, Deck 1553
Timeline: MD-01: 1730 Hours

Jonny had only been in the casino for half an hour and he was already in love with it. He had been given a tour by a keen staff member who seemed to love her job far too much. She wouldn't shut up about anything, but he loved seeing the passion and enthusiasm shine off of her. If he was to show his world to the public, and they saw how much the staff loved the place, they would keep coming back. He had been shown all three floors to the casino, every floor looking as immaculate as the last. There was a intricate spiral staircase near the middle of the casino, with the glass around the outside to make everything look more open. He had just stepped off the balcony with this girl, seeing the waterfall of the deck and admiring the view from the casino. This was an easy money spinner for him, just for the views alone. He continued to follow the girl before she led him down the staircase.

They arrived on the bottom floor of the casino, his favourite out of the three. It had all of the poker tables of the casino, his favourite casino game of the lot. It also featured a concert hall towards the back of this floor in which they could host an array of different types of shows. One was already planned for night two, plus they had planned the Grand Opening around Unity Week. There was a buzz in the air for all these events, and he knew people couldn't wait for this casino.

The girl finished what she was saying, "This is the fifth casino I've worked on, and it's by far the most intricate and beautiful of the lot. If I were a gambler, this would be my haven. Although, as your employee, I guess it already is my haven," She let out a squeaky laugh. "So, that's it for the tour of your casino. I hope it's how you imagined it would be!" The excitement showed as she spoke.

Jonny smiled at her, "Exactly how I imagined. Are you ready for opening in half an hour?"

"Always, I'm the greeter for tonight. I can't wait!" She said, before skipping off towards the front entrance.

Jonny had a quick look around from where he was standing. There were 20 poker tables surrounding him, and various other forms of card game tables about. Most were devoid of people as there were no need for them just yet, except for one poker table where there were two uniformed employees shuffling cards, one of which he recognised as his son - Harry.

Harry had just spread the cards out on the table for a Corgi Shuffle before getting the cards back in the deck and completing an Overhand Shuffle followed by a Riffle. All his staff were trained to shuffle decks in the 'three shuffle way' as Jonny liked to call it. It meant there was pretty much no chance of cheating in the establishment. Jonny continued to watch as Harry dealt the cards to the empty chairs, and then watched as he scooped them up. The guy Harry was sitting with was a small blond haired lad who looked pretty scrawny, who quickly took the deck from Harry and completed the 'three shuffle way' in seconds. Jonny had never seen anyone shuffle so quick and deal the cards at such a pace, he was taken aback.

"Impressive shuffling, Mr?" Jonny asked.

The lad looked up towards Jonny, his piercing green eyes looking straight into Jonny's, "Robertson, Jim Robertson."

"Jim, this is my dad," Harry quickly said before standing up from the seat.

"H-Hello," Jim stuttered.

"No need to stutter lad," Jonny said. "With dealing like that, you're going to go far. Where did you learn to deal so quick??" Jonny asked.

"I've only been a dealer for five years, but I just picked up on it really well. I don't really do anything else except this. I enjoy it though," Jim quickly said back.

What a sad life, Jonny thought. "I'm glad, I want my staff to be passionate about what they're doing," He glanced at Harry.

Harry looked back at his dad, sniggered and walked off without saying anything.

"And, Sir. I'm great at spotting cheats," Jim added in.

Jonny smiled at him, so far so good!


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 21st Jun, 2017 @ 10:48am

Very nice!