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Opening Night: Part 1

Posted on Mon 5th Jun, 2017 @ 1:49pm by
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:19pm

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Casino Royale: Deck 1553
Timeline: MD01: 17:00 Hours

There was an hour left before the casino had opened. Everything had been prepped and finalised, and everyone was in place, ready for the buzz of the first night. The excitement was now raging through Jonny. He had made his way to his casino for the first time ever, he wanted to see it before the public got their dirty mitts on it. He wanted to see it when it was pristine and untouched by anyone. He wanted to observe his casino, his kingdom, his own palace. He had left Amanda at home for the time being and told her to get to the casino just before opening and he would meet her. He walked towards the building, admiring it from the outside. The scenery was behind it was great, deck 1553 really was a special deck for them to build it on. It even had a Savannah!

He approached the giant glass doors on the outside to be greeted by a man in a black tuxedo. "Sir, opening is not for another hour yet." The burly man stated, standing in front of Jonny.

Jonny smiled, and let out a laugh, "Do you know who I am?"

"Sir, you could be the King of a not so distant planet for all I care. You're not coming in for another hour," The bouncer replied.

"How about the casino owner?" Jonny said, slicking back his hair with his hand.

"That might be enough to get you in, Sir, but I highly doubt it. I think I would know you if you were the owner," The brute said.

"Heh," Jonny said. "Clearly you wouldn't."

The brute looked down at Jonny and moved a step closer, nearly barging him backwards, "Watch what you say son."

"Okay, enough play time. Gordon. Gordon Knowles. 35 years of age. Married to Harriet Knowles. And also this casino's new security chief. I've read the bio on every single member of my staff who works under me," Jonny said bluntly.

Gordon was taken aback by the statement, and the sudden realization of whom was in front of him quickly spread through him, "S'Sir, I'm sorry. I wasn't told that you were arriving."

Jonny stared at him for a few seconds before replying, "It's okay, you were just doing your job. Well done though, if you refuse to let me in, I'm sure you would refuse anyone that looks like trouble."

"Yes, of course Sir," He started stuttering a little. He had gone from looking like the biggest brute ever, to a disheveled child in seconds.

Jonny put a hand to Gordon's shoulder and walked past him into his casino. Opening was an hour away and he was eager to see the inside of what he had built.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 20th Jun, 2017 @ 2:44am

Funny! Insight into character of the owner, for sure.