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Posted on Sun 4th Jun, 2017 @ 12:47pm by Commander Zachary Hunt
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:19pm

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Timeline: Evening before MD-01: 1800 Hours


Leah stood, having watched the ship dock with a cup of coffee in her hand which was now nearly empty as crewmen poured out of the docking tube. It had been a month since Hunt had left and even though she wouldn't admit it to anyone, she had missed him. The feeling had been mutual the other way also. Although Hunt missed Vanguard whilst he was away and the uniqueness surrounding it, he missed Leah more than he would let on. He had only recently got news he was coming back, without knowing the ins and outs of it all yet, but the first person he told was Leah. He had told her everything before he left and the reasoning behind it, and she seemed to be understanding about it.

The journey was a fairly long and tedious one, but one he found exciting. He did see Vanguard as his current home. He smiled to himself at that thought as he made his way off the ship. The smile turned even bigger when he saw Leah waiting for him. He waved at her, his face beaming with happiness.

"About time. Don't you know you should never keep a woman waiting," she asked with a smile as she hugged him.

He hugged her back and pressed a kiss on her cheek, "I thought I'm allowed to so I can build the suspense and excitement up," He whispered in her ear.

"Wrong. Your job is to simply do as you're asked and look handsome," she chuckled, pointing a finger at his chest.

"Well one out of two isn't two bad I suppose," He said, moving back from Brooklyn. "So what have I missed in this dreamland?"

"A Starfleet space station on the edge of known space? Not a damn thing. But the station in of itself can be amusing if you count that somehow the animals in the pet store got loose causing a poor Ferengi merchant to have such an anxiety attack that he screamed so loud rupturing several vulcans' ear drums."

"I would have liked to have seen that!" Hunt said, bemused. "I've got my meeting with Drake tomorrow morning at 7 sharpish, so I'm still not sure what's going to happen just yet. Hopefully I get to stay so I can see more of you." He took her hand and held it up to his lips before pushing a kiss on it.

"Hmmm," she said, studying Hunt as he kissed her hand. "Well, if Drake gives you any problems, you just let me know," she replied with a voice that had some seriousness to it. If anything, Leah was protective of those she cared for or were loyal to her. She had been known to be very...convincing when it came to letting others know of her displeasure.

Hunt laughed, "I'm not sure whether that's a good thing. I know what you're like!"

"Oh, I doubt that, my dear," she smiled, placing a hand on his chest as they began walking towards a nearby turbolift. "So, what shall we do that you're back on board the station?"

"I was thinking dinner first of all, either out or at mine? At mine though, it does mean you'll have to hang around whilst I cook," He replied.

"Hmmm, that sounds good. Your place it is, then," she grinned.

"Great, whilst we walk there, you can decide what you want to eat," Hunt raised an eyebrow in her direction and threw her a glance. "Within reason."

Leah chuckled. "And what is within reason? You can cook can't you?"

"Of course I can cook, just no distractions," He said, still giving her the look.

" promises," she winked as they stepped into the turbolift.

Before they knew it, they had arrived at Hunt's private quarters. It was nothing special, but a place that he called home on Vanguard. "So what did you want to eat? Fresh? Which I have a lack of, or gourmet, which my lovely replicator will make!" He asked.

"I think I'm safer off with gourmet," Leah chose as they entered his quarters.

Hunt laughed, "I think we both probably are. Any preferences?" He looked around, the quarters were just how he had left it. It was a bit emptier as he wasn't sure if he was returning, but pretty much just the same.

"Steak will be fine," she said. "Well done and some vegetables will be fine."

"Well done?" He commented. "Everyone always tells me that is no way to eat a steak. That's how I used to eat it anyhow! What veg? I have a selection of....EVERYTHING!" He exclaimed at Leah. "And maybe some wine?"

Leah chuckled. "Wine sounds great. As for vegetables, I'll have steamed baby carrots. What are you having?" Leah asked as she sat down on a nearby sofa.

"I'm joining you in steak of course, carrots and broccoli for me though. And some Ale. I fancy Ale," He said, playing around with the replicator. Minutes later, dinner was served. He carried the plate and wine glass over to Leah on the sofa, before going back and getting his. He joined her on the sofa. "Don't get used to this," He laughed, digging into the steak.

"Oh? Hard to top replicated steak and vegetables," she chided with a smile.

"That is exactly it," He wolfed his food down.


Leah finished her wine as she set the empty glass on the counter. "That meal was very good," she commented.

"Nothing like the finest replicated steak," Hunt said, drinking a sip from his ale. "I've missed you," He said to Leah, looking at her.

"I've missed you too," Leah replied before wrapping her arms around his neck. The past few weeks had been hectic and she wanted nothing more than to relax with Hunt.

And that was just what the evening was spent doing, talking and relaxing with each other, ready for Hunt to have his meeting with Drake in the morning.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 21st Jun, 2017 @ 9:47am

I see Hunt's game here... gets the girls back to his quarters with the promise of a home cooked meal but heads straight for the replicator! The equivalent of Just Eat (for our American friends that's a phone app/website where one can order food from a selection of all the takeaway places in the area... I'm sure you've got something similar)!