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What lurks in the shadows

Posted on Mon 22nd May, 2017 @ 10:02pm by
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:14pm

601 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Disney Inc. Central Office; Deck 1553

Leah sighed as she spun her chair around to look out at the Tivoli Gardens that sat below. She could barely make out the ant-sized people moving about their day to day business aboard the station. So far business wa going quite well for the company--better than she had hoped, to be honest. Yet the stress was wearing her down as her thoughts drifted to Commander Hunt--he was off station at the moment and she was missing him.

A loud buzzing sound was heard as the power to the office went out. "What the hell?" She turned to press the intercom button on her desk to see what the issue was. Suddenly a black gloved hand wrapped around her mouth forcibly. "You've been pushing too far. Keep your business to the station only, female," a hissed voice whispered into her ear. Anger filled Leah as she reached back, grabbing the person's groin, squeezing and twisting, who screamed in response.

Leah managed to hit the small alarm button under her desk before her assailant handed a backhand that sent her sprawling to the floor. As her assailant moved forward, the door to her officer burst open as a fur covered humanoid brute, emitting a fierce growl made a beeline for him. Before he could move, he was slammed to the floor hard while being pummeled by a series of vicious punches.

Leah managed to get to her feet., wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. "Tomar, stop!"

The brute reluctantly stopped in mid punch and stood and he changed his shape back to human. "Yes Miss Jamison."

Leah walked over to the man and removed the mask roughly to reveal an Orion male. "Who sent you?" she said in a stern tone.

"I'll never talk. Now go ahead and call the authorities. I'll be out in less than a week...and you'll be dead if you don't heed my advice, female," the Orion said through deep breaths. His face felt as if it had been shattered by shapeshifter--a fact that had been left out of his mission detail.

Leah delivered a vicious kick to the man's side. "Authorities? You expect to be handed to Starfleet Security?" Leah let out a laugh that would chill even a Romulan to his bone. "You're on Disney Interstellar Property. You attacked and threatened my life so I will give you one more chance. "Who do you work for?"

"Go to hell! You can't threaten me on a Federation space station!" the orion spat.

"Oh, I'm not threatening you. I'm delivering a message back to your employers," Leah grinned and turned to Tomar. "Tomar," she pointed to her windows. "See the man out, will you?"

"With pleasure," Tomar said, changing back into his brute form, picking up the Orion who was struggling. Letting out a roar, Tomar rushed towards the windows, spinning on his heal to gain momentum and released the orion, shattering the window as the Orion screamed. A moment later a thud was heard, followed by screams as the Orion struck the ground below.

"Thank you, Tomar," Leah said, looking at the now small lifeless body of the Orion below.

"It's what I am here for, Miss Jamison. What now?" Tomar asked.

"Now we begin to look into who attacked me. Starfleet Security will likely show up at anytime, so prepare for them," Leah said. SHe would make sure whoever sent the Orion would soon learn their mistake of threatening Leah Jamison.

"At once, Miss Jamison," Tomar replied with a slight bow before exiting the office at a brisk pace.



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Comments (4)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 23rd May, 2017 @ 6:05am

Kellian says, "Tell me this happens after I return from leave. Because this looks like too much fun."

By Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington on Wed 24th May, 2017 @ 11:08am

If you want in on the story arc, I can include you. :)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 2nd Jun, 2017 @ 9:20am

Amazing! This is what Vanguard is all about... exploring the darker side to Trek!

By on Tue 8th Aug, 2017 @ 3:45am

Oh, I missed this one! Thank goodness there was a part 2 to send me looking. I love a woman who is prepared ... and a shape shifting beast man, too!