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Seniority Meet

Posted on Thu 4th May, 2017 @ 1:57pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard

737 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 12: XO's Office

Thomas' first port of call was with Commander Zachary Hunt. He didn't really know too much about the Commander, or even the Colonel who ran the base. He had already heard rumors en route to Vanguard that the two didn't get along, but that's the thing with rumors, you never knew how much you could believe. He had got up in the morning and went straight to the XO's office to meet with Commander Hunt. He pressed the chime.

"Come in," Hunt called towards the door, expecting it to be Lieutenant Maynard, the new Chief Intel Officer. He wasn't wrong either, watching as a fairly tall, raggedy man walked in. He looked experienced, but also young at the same time, not bad for a forty nine year old! "Ah, Lt. Maynard. Nice to finally meet you. Would you care for a drink?"

Maynard smiled as he walked in, a half hearted smile, but that was more than anybody else used to get from him, "No thank you Sir, I keep all the drinking until after shift. Even for the softies."

Hunt let out a laugh whilst walking over to the replicator and getting himself an orange juice, "How was your journey here?"

"Standard," Maynard bluntly replied.

Hunt let out a quick glance towards Thomas as his reply was so blunt. He passed him a PADD, "This here has the details of your department, your current staffing and the positions we are still waiting for."

Thomas took the PADD, and spent a couple of minutes going through it, "Very good." He muttered. "How long have you been without my position?"

"Well the last Lieutenant left suddenly and it's taken us about 3-4 weeks to get you here. Lt. Kiralbi has done a fine job overseeing the section whilst the position has been open." Hunt said.

Thomas let out a small 'mm'. "What's your favourite place to drink?"

Hunt quickly noticed the change of subject and it was pretty random. Maybe that's what this man was like. A bit of an enigma. "Well Lieutenant, the first stop for me is always Orchids & Jazz. The music is great in there, Jazz, if you didn't guess, but the food there is to die for! Absolutely fantastic. The owner - Jade Lantz, is a great woman as well, real passion for the place. She works alongside us as well."

"I will pay a visit there tonight, especially now I have high expectations," Thomas said, without moving.

"Trust me, Lieutenant, you won't be disappointed," Hunt let out a smile towards him.

He let out another 'mm'. There was a momentary silence as Maynard killed the conversation. He quickly bought it back to life again from nowhere, surprising Hunt in the process. "I went to view one of the decks in Tivoli Gardens last night after I boarded. I must say what a unique and pleasant experience it was. Have you visited much yourself of it?"

Hunt let out another smile, "It is truly wonderful. I haven't spent as much time as I would have liked to there, I think the last time I went I ended up in the casino on one of the decks. It didn't end well! What deck did you go to?"

"Deck 1551," Maynard stated.

It took Hunt a while to try and think what one that was, "Is that the one with the Savannah?"

"That's the one. I took a trip on a barge and the places you got to see just from that one deck was stunning. The company running the barge place was actually Ferengi as well."

"I've not actually been to that part of Tivoli, but I will have to give that a go on your recommendation," Hunt said, "Ferengi you say? Those little blighters. It doesn't surprise me though, they get everywhere if they can."

Maynard let out another half hearted smile, "Don't they just. Anyway Commander Hunt, if that is all."

"That is all for now."

"Then I shall go and see how my department has been running and see what I can do!" He said, standing up and making his way out.

Hunt wasn't sure how to take him. He seemed to have split personalities running at the same time over seconds. Maybe he would speak to Paul about him as he was sure Paul would love to see him. Although, Jade was sure to collect his story long before that


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 3:50am

What an interesting officer! So many things being laid down here for future plotting. Love it!