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Congratulations is in order!

Posted on Sun 7th May, 2017 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi & Lieutenant Adam Keller

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 24: Holodeck 2, Official Use

"Lt. Keller, I must say what a good job you done on that mission. You managed to get aboard the enemy ship without detection and gathering the intelligence myself and Lt. Hibbert needed to negotiate with the ship. I was very impressed," Lt. Coco Kiralbi said to him as he walked over.

The room they were standing in was part of a Nova Class Ship, currently orbiting Earth. The outline of Earth stayed in the distance as the room started changing into a bar. A smiling barman was behind the bar, a crop of hair in front of one of his eyes, polishing a glass.

Adam smiled. "Thank you Lieutenant." He was glad to have been a help. It was his first mission aboard the station and he wanted to prove his worth. Those Ferengi won't be dealing in the black market with the Syndicate down a couple of thousand to go? But the weapons we recovered will go right back to the Bajorans where they belong." Adam raised his beer.

"I guess they won't! Can I have an Andorian Ale please?" Coco asked the barman who quickly saw to her order without saying anything. She took a sip of it, to get used to the taste of the shot as she watched the department team mingle with each other. It was always pleasing to set a team mission on the holodecks, but even more pleasing when it was successful and the 'after party'. Well, the socializing. Her motto was the more they knew each other, the better they worked with each other. She looked at Adam sitting next to her, he had been on board a little while now, so much so that Coco knew when something seemed wrong. He seemed in his own thoughts, "Something wrong Adam?" She dropped the formalities.

Adam was caught off guard. Truth be told his mind was elsewhere on the station. It was with a petite woman who would have been here but needed a companion animal to help her make her way through the ship. "Something wrong? No." He responded and then added. "Well more right than wrong." He stopped still with a smile.

Coco smiled, "I know that look by a man from anywhere, what news has she told you?"

Adam gave a chuckle. "What makes you think there's a she involved?" He swallowed the last of his beer and set it on the bar before indicating with his finger for the bar keep to refill the glass.

She took another sip of her Ale, "Because." She paused. "You have that look of a man in love. Therefore, I can deduce that the problem lies with something she's told you. You don't seem angry, so I doubt it's an argument." She paused again, and let out a small gasp. "OHHH, my, unless of course it is a he! I'm so sorry if it is!!"

At that, Adam laughed out loud. "No not a he." His laughter moved to a chuckle. "I am in least I think I am and I think she loves me but its hard to tell with Jasmine. She has some social phobias and do I know if she loves me or has just grown familiar enough with me to be comfortable?" He said and then sipped his beer from the fresh glass the bartender handed him. "And now she's going to have my child." He shook his head. "And I don't know how to react to it yet."

She was mildly amused that he laughed over that, some people might have got really defensive. She drank the rest of her Ale and nearly choked on it as Adam told her that last bit, "Christ! Oh!" She was lost for words. "I'm sorry!" She thought for a second. "First bit first, have you actually asked her how she feels?"

"No, I've told her how I feel and she's said the same to me." he grinned. "But women are a bit sappy and tend to use the word more easily. I've never asked her if she truly loved me." He shook his head. "Again that comes easier to females. But she lay with me which indicates that there is some love there. "

"Watch what you say there Mister!" She chuckled. "You say she has social phobias yeah? If that's the case, for her to say something like that would mean a great deal more than anybody else saying that."

"That's encouraging." He gave a smile. "She has difficulties interacting with people in groups, strangers, or traversing crowds." He couldn't help the smile as he thought about the day they met. "We sort of ran into each other and I escorted her to her quarters. She was cute." He shrugged. "We've been seeing each other since Christmas. I've managed to get her out of her quarters a couple times to eat but most times we stay in...she backed out of coming here tonight."

"I try," She winked, "It does sound like you two are a good fit for each other. Is she actively seeking help about these phobias?" Coco said, asking the barman for another Ale.

"Yeah, I think so. She's been seeing a counselor and then there's Oscar." He turned from the bar to look over the room. "I gave her the pup for Christmas. He was genetically bred to be a service animal. He's meant to bond with her so he knows her emotions and reacts accordingly."

"You're very good to her, a lot of men wouldn't even give her the time and day. So, this child she's going to have, what's your thoughts about it?" She took the Ale and drank it in one without hesitating.

"Honestly," Adam couldn't help but grin. "I'm over the moon about it. But I'm worried that Jasmine might not be ready...for us...for a baby. To be a family."

"In that case, congratulations!" Coco beamed. "Have you asked her how she feels about it?"

"No, I wasn't sure what to say or how to react when she told me." He shook his head. "I wasn't sure what to say or ask or how to react." He looked at the woman sitting next to him. "I told her I loved her, that I was happy and that I would be back tonight after our meeting. I kissed her and left."

"You doughnut! You should have said something to me and I would have let you off, that's a bit more important at the moment! Why are you still here? Go and see her!"

"First impressions, I guess." Adam shrugged at the woman, "I wanted you to know that I'm dedicated to the team we have here as much as I am to my personal life." He stood to leave knowing that Coco would send him off.

"I fully understand that, and it's good that you are. But as I said, that is a lot more important right now. Go and see her and I will see you tomorrow," She smiled.

She watched as Adam walking away, admiring him. He done a lot for a woman he had met, helping her overcome phobias and the like. And it sounded like they were a perfect match for true love. She also wondered what a child would have in store for them, and how they would cope with that. 'God, I wish I had someone like that.' She thought. 'I need a pet in my life.'


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 9th May, 2017 @ 3:21am

LOL, love the last line! I'm glad this is going to be a sympathetic relationship between Adam and Jasmine. Great boss he has there, too.