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Welcome Back Lieutenant

Posted on Wed 26th Apr, 2017 @ 8:23pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

610 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 600, Orchids & Jazz

Rico walked out of the starbase's airlock and into the hallway leading directly to the promenade area. As he got closer to the entry, he slowly began to hear the hustle and bustle coming from the promenade. Before he could even hit the main entry way, he smelled a familiar scent that sent his stomach into overdrive.

"I'd know that smell anywhere. That's got to be one of Jade's signature dishes." After passing through the entry way, he rushed through the promenade to get to Orchids and Jazz, almost dropping his bag in the process. "Jade!" he yelled out, rushing to where she was sitting. "What is that wondrously tantalizing scent permeating throughout the promenade?" he asked as he approached her.

Before Jade could even answer, Shepard realized who Jade was sitting with at the table. "Sir, I'm sorry." Rico straightened out his uniform and stood up straight as he could. "Chief Ops Officer Rico Shepard reporting home, Sir," he said with a smile on his face.

Hunt briefly stood up and shook Rico's hand, "Don't worry about the formalities right now, you've just got back and want to enjoy a meal. Grab a seat," Hunt gestured. "I can't remember if you two have met but Patrick, this is Lieutenant Shepard. Lt. this is Lieutenant JG Biere." He sat back down and watched as Shepard grabbed a seat as Jade spoke up.

"Hey, stranger! It's so good to see you. I'll give you a hug later ... wait a minute. I know that look. You aren't excited to see me - it's Marin's food you wanted, isn't it?" She laughed and sent an order back right away. She knew the ChEng's favorite meal and he'd been gone a while. "So, how was your away mission?"

Shepard got comfortable in his seat and found himself actually being relaxed. "The mission was intense and long. But there is no place like home."

Rico looked over to the Commander and Jade and asked, "What I have I missed? The communications blackout on the away mission left me longing to know what's been going on here."

"You've missed protests, diplomatic talks and other information I can tell you at a later date. We can do a formal talk later if you come to my office?" Hunt said.

"Huh, that's just business," Lantz said. "Come see me later and I'll tell you the juicy bits."

Rico gave a little chuckle at Jade's last comment. It was just then he realized just how much he missed her, and Vangaurd and her crew.

"Actually Jade, I'm gonna take you up on that offer. But first things first. I need a home cooked meal in my belly. Let me get settled back into my quarters and I will come back for a plate of my favorite dish here."

Shepard stood up from the table and faced Biere. "Biere it's good seeing you again. Come by the office tomorrow and we can catch up."

Turning towards Hunt he said, "Commander. I will be ready for that formal talk whenever you are."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Pop by later on when you're free, I should be about in my office," He replied.

Jade watched as everyone went through the motions of polite society. Hunt was responding as he ought to, yet ... something was simply not right, and the moment to get the XO to share had passed. She suppressed a sigh. Life could get so complicated, but one thing a longer-lived species knew was that everything worked out at some point. She'd keep watch for another opportunity, and maybe she'd still be able to help. For now ... another story collected.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 30th Apr, 2017 @ 10:41am

'Another story collected'... love it!