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New Faces

Posted on Thu 2nd Mar, 2017 @ 9:40pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

606 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 12: Main Operations

What Andrew planned as a quick tour around the Starbase, had now taken the better part of the day. Memorizing the specifications and deck listings beforehand doesn't really have the same feel as actually being there. As he entered the final stop, Andrew kept telling himself the appropriate term is "Main Operations". That was something that may take some time to get used to.

Glancing around, Andrew eyes stopped on a man he instantly recognized and walked over, "Commander Hunt. Lt. Eberstark, reporting for duty, sir."

"Ahhh Lieutenant Eberstark, nice to finally meet you," Hunt smiled, offering his hand out for welcome. "Finally finished the tour? You suddenly realise how big the base is when that happens, as long as you remember where the watering holes are!" He let out a quiet chuckle.

Shrugging slightly and appreciative of the Commander's tone Andrew shook the Commander's hand, "Likewise and I suppose, sir. Although, it's a bit hard to retain all the info the first time around. I plan on finding something new each time I go for a walk. I guess that's what gives Starbases some perks over the monotony of some starships," looking around the room once more, "This is definitely a place that I'll need some getting used to."

"It's pretty much a city in its entirety. There's always something that you haven't seen and I've been here a while. Plus with Tivoli Gardens, you could, if you had the time anyhow, spend weeks and months there! Have you been fully briefed about the current mission?" Hunt asked.

Andrew nodded, "That's a place I keep hearing I need to check out," glancing at the PADD he brought along with him, "And fully briefed as much as what's on this PADD. I'm sure I missed some...real time developments. Would you mind filling in anything I may have missed over the past few days, sir?"

"Not too much has happened just yet, the delegates have arrived not too long ago so they're still settling in for the time being. We've set up all the arrangements for the whole event. I would recommend catching up with Lt. Sianna Dal, she will catch you up with all that you need to know. Meanwhile it's just life as usual. You're department is quite stretched for resource at the moment due to this all happening. Colonel Drake still has an expectation that he wants the secondary targeting scanners online by the end of the week, which I'm sure won't be an issue," It was a statement rather than a question.

"Good to hear. I was hoping for no surprises, but one can never know." Andrew asked himself just what "life as usual" meant. For now, he was sure he wasn't about to find out soon. His plate was full with a short handed staff and as far as all were concerned, they were behind schedule, "Lt. Dal was my next stop after the Colonel. As for the scanners, we should have no problem with that timetable, sir. I put some thought into that on my trip over. I'll send an update once they're back to full operational status."

Andrew glanced at his PADD, making a note of the deadline set forth by the Commander and looked back up at him, "I don't want to hold you up, sir. Thank you for taking the time. Is there anything else you have for me? Seems like everyone is way too busy."

And looked a little anxious now that Andrew thought harder on it.

"Nope that will be all Lieutenant, I would get over to tactical and join in with all this commotion!"


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Comments (2)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sat 11th Mar, 2017 @ 12:50pm

That's a nice post... a bit different from the usual! We've got a starbase the size of a city and we have a habit of using the same scenes for each post! Then again... that's what the series did I suppose... but we don't have scene budgets! Ha!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sat 11th Mar, 2017 @ 12:51pm

... meaning it's nice to have a boarding post set in Ops for a change and not the CO's Ready Room! Ha!