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Cometh the hour, Cometh the man

Posted on Mon 27th Feb, 2017 @ 2:29pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar

720 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 12: Main Operations
Timeline: Pre MD-01

Solan still had his bag over his shoulder as he strolled across towards the Captains Office at Vanguard Station. The Andorian had not heard very much about his new posting, just that it was urgent he arrive. The Commander pressed the Chime outside the Office and waited for a response.

If ever there was a record for the most amount of PADDs in a pile, on a desk, Drake would surely be a major contender. In an effort to keep similar reports together, the largest of the piles had just given way and about ten had just fallen to the floor, concurrent to the chime sounding.

"Oh for... come in!" He barked.

Solan took the invitation and entered the Office of the Station Commander. "Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar reporting to Colonel Drake." The Andorian was about to hand over a PADD until he noticed the fortress of them already assembled on the desk. "I'm here to assume my Duties as Security Chief."

"Security...? Ah, Commander Jekkar... of course!" Deep down in the depth of Drake's mind, he remembered reading of the assignment of a new Chief of Security. After the issues with the SS Silent Night, Starfleet had wanted to get someone assigned to head up the department as soon as possible.

He briefly inspected the Andorian standing in front of him - he was about as average an Andorian as one could imagine... but had a youthful look about his face. "Please sit. Would you like a drink, Commander?" He motioned to the chair as he himself stood and started in the direction of the replicator.

"Tarkalian Tea please." Solan said politely as he took a vacant seat opposite the Colonel.

He collected the drinks and presently resumed his position at his desk. "So, tell me... is this your first posting to a Starbase?"

The Commander shook his head. "No Sir I served at Armstrong Station a few years ago." The Andorian took a sip of his tea. "There were a series of murders when I was there and I was the Senior Investigator."

"Very interesting - I trust you found the culprit? As I'm sure you're aware, we've just had a similar situation with a transport ship, the SS Silent Night... Lieutenant Michaels performed exceptionally well during the investigation" He shifted in his chair, testing the temperature of his drink.

The Andorian nodded. "Very much so."

"So, what has brought you to Vanguard?" He took a sip, it was just a little too hot.

In decades past, Vanguard was a critical resupply and military waypoint, positioned on the edge of the Alpha Quadrant near to both Romulan and Klingon space, it was unquestionable that Starfleet would want a strong presence in the area. In decades to come, Starfleet may once again find a use for the Stardock Class Starbase... but until then, it wasn't the most desired position in Starfleet. The base was run down after decades of most of it being shut down and shut off. The FCDA had not been kind to her either - bypassing most systems that failed, in an effort to keep the station running with their less than skeleton staffing.

With all this in mind, Drake questioned anyone who requested a posting here. Why where they here? Where they running from something? Where they running towards something?

Solan nodded. "To be honest I missed the activity of a Station." He said before taking another sip of his drink. "Teaching was fun do no get me wrong but there is something appealing about a Starbase that you don't find on Earth, plus I am fully aware that an experienced hand was required."

Drake locked eyes him with for a moment... the response seemed too text book... too polished. "Excellent, Commander." His ever increasingly present, devilish and mischievous grin flashed across his face. "So, what is your first order of business after settling into your department?"

"I will check in with the Security Department assess my Staff." The Commander sipped his tea. "Then I shall have a full report on your Desk of my Departments Readiness, I am aware we are shorthanded so I took the liberty of taking a few jobs myself."

"Excellent. So, is there anything you need from my at this point, Commander?"

"No sir, thank you"


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