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Yer Buggin' Me!

Posted on Sun 29th Jan, 2017 @ 10:50pm by

376 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Prominade

Dhaundax and xir brood-sib Xaggavea were hanging out on the bottom of one of the pedestrian walkways on a promenade upper level, watching sentients walk below. Though they were of the same brood, Dhaundax had already completed xir first molting, and Xaggavea believed xie knew everything worth knowing in the worlds. Dhaundax did nothing to dispel this notion, and simply hung in place, xir fresh carapace gleaming a rich chocolate brown.

"What's that one?" Xaggavea asked, waving a pedipalp toward a biped walking below, wearing only shorts which appeared to have been made from the pelt of another lifeform.

Dhaundax swiveled an eyestalk. "That, dear brood-sib, is a Human male. You can tell by how bumpy its limbs are, and its torso isn't. Also, the gleam of light from its head tells you that it has molted several times, and is a venerable elder, deserving of much respect."

Xaggavea made a sound of understanding, and pointed at another biped, this one with blue skin and a pair of antennae. "That one has bumps on the torso! Is that a Human female?"

"No, it is not. That is the Andorian third-gender. You can tell them by the th' prefix on their names. Th' for third, you see. They are required for Andorian mating, and are highly prized; often they are kept locked up with no clothing, and only allowed out to breed."

"That one must have escaped," Xaggavea speculated. After a moment, xie went back to scanning the crowd. "Oh!" Xie exclaimed. "There! The one in the kon dress! A Human male?"

"Dresses," Dhaundax countered, "are more often a sign of the female Human. That, however, is a Ghoul. Observe the pallor, and the blackened talons at the end of the fingers. They are a predatory species, Ghouls, who prey upon Humans. They are reputed to eat Human young alive, and I do not know how picky they are about their food, so let us not get any closer."

"You are so wise and knowledgeable, Dhaundax! Glad I am that our brood-parent placed our eggs together!"

Dhaundax cleaned xir eyestalks with xir pedipalps, and luxuriated in the praise.

HEY! Guess what?! Flowers of Luna is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Woo!


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Comments (4)

By Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington on Tue 31st Jan, 2017 @ 12:18am

Great description and observations from an alien group not accustomed to being around humanoids. Great read.

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 31st Jan, 2017 @ 7:06am

Looking forward to reading more of 'Flowers of Luna,' and I enjoyed this post! Chlamydia as a ghool! Hehe!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 10th Feb, 2017 @ 1:09pm

I'm looking forward to it as well. Jenny - when you become a millionaire, remember us on Vanguard... we'll expect no less then four guest appearances per year! Haha!

By on Fri 7th Apr, 2017 @ 12:05am

I was re-reading some of the earlier mission. I remember how much I enjoyed reading this tongue-in-cheek commentary!