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Suddenly, a Boss!

Posted on Wed 8th Feb, 2017 @ 2:03am by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Security Department
Timeline: During Security Dept. Meeting, just after the Sr. Staff Meeting.
Tags: kellianmichaels, solanjekkar


Kellian looked over the assembled Security Department staff as he outlined the mission's necessary tasks to them and suppressed a sigh. For a starship this number of people would have been more than adequate. For a starbase of 2500 decks about to host diplomatic talks? Not nearly so.

"This is the deck schematic of the diplomatic section," Kellian said, using a 3-D display. "This area here can be made aquatic and is where the Emorite and Caliburnite delegations will be housed." As he spoke, he touched the indicated sections with a pointer, and they lit up as chunks of blue. "The Federation delegation, so far as I am aware, is comprised of land-based beings and will probably be housed in the adjoining section here." A neighboring chunk of screen glowed green as Kellian indicated it. "I'll confirm that with Diplomacy after this meeting. Meeting rooms and dining areas are here." Another chunk of the screen glowed white. He was about to continue when the hiss of the conference room door signaled someone's arrival.

The tall Andorian approached the gathered group. "Attention on Deck!" He shouted loudly as he watched them all snap to attention.

Who was this guy? Kellian wondered, even as he, along with every other member of the Security Department, went to attention. His eyes widened as he realized that the Andorian officer was a lieutenant commander. The personnel present saluted.

Solan approached the group. "As you were." He then approached the Lieutenant conducting the Briefing. "My name is Lieutenant Commander Jekkar, I am your new Chief of Security."

"Pleased to meet you, sir, and welcome to Starbase Vanguard's security department. I'm Lt. Michaels. This is unexpected, but I'm very glad to have you with us. Have you been briefed regarding our current assignment?"

Solan shook his head. "No Lieutenant. I was informed that a new Chief of Security was requested immediately for an urgent detail." Solan extended his hand to the Junior Officer. "So please bear with me."

Kellian shook the senior officer's hand. "Here's the meeting agenda and basic information, sir," Kellian said and transmitted a copy from his PADD to Jekkar's. "I was only just apprised of this about an hour ago. Vanguard is to host delegations of Caliburnite, Emorite, and Federation diplomats to discuss the Emorites joining the Federation. All parties are to arrive tomorrow, starting at 1200 hours. Right now I'm just apportioning duties so that we can get as much done in the little time we have, with the staff available. As you're here, though, I defer to you. We will likely need to borrow staff from other departments to assist with security, as we are presently understaffed for a station of this size. It was only recently placed back under Starfleet management." Kellian paused. "Would you like for the staff to introduce themselves, sir?"

"By all means." The Andorian said as he looked around the faces of his new Department.

One by one, each person gave his or her name. The Andorian staff members looked pleased to have one of their own as the department head.

The Commander nodded as he was introduced to his Staff. "I look forward to working with you all, at first you may find my style of Command a little unique and hard to work with but it should be fairly understandable once it is all said and done."

Solan then looked around. "If you want an insight into my abilities as a Security Officer, then please download a copy of my books and lecture notes from Starfleet Academy."

Some of the staff exchanged curious glances. Unique command style? Might be hard to work with? What did that mean? Still, it was better than not having a department head at all.

"I'll look forward to reading them--after the diplomats leave," Kellian said, though he suspected he could read a bit during his lunch hours or before going to sleep--and would.

The Commander nodded. "First and foremost my expertise lies in Criminology, I am a seasoned Criminal Investigator but I do know an awful lot about Phaser and Disruptor Technology." The Andorian looked around the assembled faces. "We will strive to make this the best Department on Vanguard."

Exclamations of, "Yeah!" and "Damn right, sir!" arose from the gathered staff. Kellian grinned. "It's good to have someone permanently in charge, sir. With you here, I have hopes that I can get back to the forensics lab once the diplomats leave."

Solan nodded. "Continue with your briefing Lieutenant. I shall be in my office."

Lt. Commander Solan Jekkar
Chief of Security

Lt.(jg) Kellian Michaels
Security Investigations Officer


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