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Mopping Up

Posted on Mon 6th Feb, 2017 @ 6:50am by

434 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Marine Barracks

"Officer on deck!" called First Sergeant Harper. The sound of Marines talking quietly ended as if a switch had been thrown. "On the line!" the first sergeant barked. Forty Marine Raiders moved quickly but not hurriedly to stand on the two red lines painted a pace from the compartment's bulkheads, in front of the racks holding their armored suits.

"Thank you, First Sergeant," Captain Richelle Sharpe said, nodding to the Company Sergeant. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," she said, walking down the line, not inspecting, but meeting the eyes of each Marine to assess their readiness. "I am sure you've all heard the rumors. I can now tell you that they are true; there is a parasitic life form infesting the lower levels of this starbase, disrupting power flow and vital station services. The Recon company has lost scouts to this life form. It fires a biotoxin which converts myoglobin to carbon dioxide and mass for its offspring. People hit with this biotoxin literally explode in moments."

Sharpe reached the end of the port side line, and turned back to walk up the starboard side. "We will, therefore, be wearing full carbonium plate. I know it's hot; I know it's difficult to move in. But it will block the parasite's dart, and I don't want to lose anyone." She paused. "No, not even you, Valsecchi."

There was a ripple of laughter, and the Corporal called back, "You sure, skip?"

"I'm sure," Captain Sharpe responded. "I think." She smiled, and went on. "Instead of flame throwers, we will be mounting a sprayer with a goop that Medical concocted. They say it's a paralytic for the parasite. We don't trust that until we've seen it with our own eyes. I'm told it's dark in the places we're going, so mount your Thor lights on your shoulders."

She reached the front of the compartment again, and turned to look at her Marines. "Anyone have any questions? Not you, Valsecchi."

"I actually have a serious question, skip?" the Corporal called.

"Make it brief," Captain Sharpe answered.

"What are we doing about these things after we've paralyzed them?" Valsecchi asked.

"That's a good question, and you're off KP for that," Sharpe said, glancing at Harper, who nodded. "We will move through, paralyze the parasite, verify that it's paralyzed, and then a group of medical and engineering personnel, escorted by a Recon group, will clear the parasites out." She paused. "I don't want even one seed spitter missed. Do you read me, Marines?"

"Oooh-rah!" the Raiders answered in one voice.

Sharpe nodded. "Very well. Armor up. We move in thirty."


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Comments (2)

By on Tue 7th Feb, 2017 @ 5:51am

Love it! Sharpe is my kind of officer.

By on Sat 18th Feb, 2017 @ 1:34am

Richelle ... Richard ... what's in a name? LOL Great move several hundred years into the future. I liked that!